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Taehyung stands outside the teachers classroom with his little sister by his side.

"I'm so sorry that I was late picking her up. There was a miscommunication and-"

"Tae it's ok" he says to Taehyung, making the younger male cringe at the nickname.

Taehyung thinks it's very unprofessional.

"Thank you so much for staying with her for so long. I really appreciate it sir"

"Call me Sang-woo. You're not my student afterall and sir feels too formal" the teacher tells Taehyung.

Taehyung smiles at him appreciatively.

"Sorry this is a weird question but can I get your number?" Taehyung asks. "I'm friends with one of the parents here and she's been going through a shitty time as of recent so I thought I'd ask on her behalf to try and cheer her up"

"Your friends female?"


"Then no"

"You haven't even asked which one asked for it though" Taehyung says.

"I don't care for women. I'm gay" Sang-woo says.

"Oh.....ok I'll just say that you're in a committed marriage and have a wife and kids then"

"Why wouldn't you tell her that I'm gay?" Sang-woo asks.

"It would upset her more that you wouldn't even look at her because you're gay than because you're a respectable man who's in a commited, loving relationship. It'll help soften the blow" Taehyung explains.

"Ah right" Sang-woo says. "For a second I thought you were being homophobic but that wouldn't make sense as you're so obviously gay"

"Excuse me? What makes you think that I'm gay? And what business is it to you if I'm gay?"

"Its my business if I plan on asking you out on a date"

"Well it's a good thing that you're not going to ask me then" Taehyung sasses.

"God why are you being so difficult?" Sang-woo shouts angrily. "People at your school always tell me about how lovely you are. Why are you being so rude now?"

"I'm out of hours"

"Out of hours?"

"Yeah. If you want to see the nice side of me, catch me during school hours. As of now, I'm off duty"

"You're not a fucking train time table" Sang-woo spits. "You don't have nice and rude times, it's a choice"

"But I am exhausted from being nice all day every day. It's only right that I get some time off the job"

"You're fucking weird" Sang-woo spits. "I can't believe I actually thought I was going to like you"

"I can't believe you've been chatting to people to find out how nice I am. That's so fucking creepy"

Sang-woo grabs Taehyung's wrist tightly, it makes the said boy cry in pain.

"After all I've done for you, all the time I've waisted with your stupid little sister, and this is how you thank me?"

"I'm concerned that my little sister was anywhere near a creep like you. I shall have her moved into another school, somewhere where they don't employ creeps"

Sang-woo raises his hand to hit Taehyung.

"You're a little brat I should teach you some manners"


Taehyung and Sang-woo both turn to the doorway if the classroom to see a small little girl there. Her slick black hair is warn in a pony tale at the back of her head, and she wears a pink checkered dress that is her school uniform. A red little cardigan is wrapped around her shoulders.

"Tae-hee" Taehyung says. "Come here baby"

Taehyung shoves Sang-woo's hands off of him and crouches down, opening his arms for his little sister. She rushes into his arms and cuddles his chest.


"Baby bun I'm here" Taehyung whispers. "Come on let's go, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to"

"Let me say goodbye to my teacher" Tae-hee says in a whiny voice.

"No baby let's just go now. I don't want you in this school anymore"

"Why oppa?"

"Let's just go ok? I've got a surprise for you"

She nods excitedly and grabs hold of Taehyung's hand with her smaller one.

"Bye bye" she says over her shoulder as Taehyung pulls her away as fast as possible.

Tae-hee is strapped into hear seat, and then Taehyung drives her to Yoongi's house. The elder male had sent him his address earlier.

They arrive at a small apartment in the heart of Daegu. There's nothing special about it, bit when they go inside into the communal hallway, all the simplistic furniture gives Taehyung a sense of safety and relaxation.

They walk up to Yoongi's doorway.

"Are we in another shelter to get away from mommy?" Tae-hee asks.

"What? Baby no. We're at my friend's house for the night"

"Oh. Sorry oppa. Every time you tell me you have a surprise, it's that we're staying in another hostel that's all" she says looking down and feeling guilty.

Tears shine in her dark, sparkly eyes.

"Come here baby don't cry" Taehyung kneels down on the marble floor and pulls her into his arms to stroke her hair whilst hugging her. "You just can't say any of this to my friends, ok?"


Taehyung pulls back from  the hug and holds out his little finger.

"Pinky promise?"

She locks fingers with him.

"I pinky promise"

"Good girl. Now let me lift you up so that you can ring his apartment bell"

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