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When Taehyung had run out of the room in a hurry, Namjoon and Yoongi had looked at eachother in shock.

"I'm going to go after him" Yoongi had said with a sigh.

"You seem to be taking an awful lot of interest in Taehyung" Namjoon had said. "I can see the way you look at him"

"He's a pretty boy, what can I say?"

"Yoongi don't play dumb. You've got this smirk on your lips every time Taehyung opens his mouth. And you don't just ignore him and pretend like he doesn't exist like you do with everyone else"

"So what?" Yoongi had shrugged off the matter again.

"Its obvious that you care about him" Namjoon had told Yoongi.

"And so what if I do? He's interesting"

"A pretty boy with the perfect lifestyle and prefect looks you find interesting?"

"No" Yoongi had chuckled. "That part is every bit as boring as it is with everyone else. But Taehyung's perfect life is bullshit"

"You think?"

"Yeah. And that's what's so interesting about him. I'm curious to find out who the real Kim Taehyung is. He's not just this charming spoilt brat after all"

Namjoon snorted at that statement.

"And what if he is really just the perfect person?"

"Then he goes back to being another boring waste of space like the lot of them?"

"And what if he isn't perfect?"

Yoongi shrugged.

"Then I really don't know"

Taehyung and Namjoon had almost finished the song before Namjoon got a call to say that he needed to come home. Now Taehyung and Yoongi sit in silence as Taehyung writes down more song lyrics and Yoongi just watches him.

"Aren't you going to make yourself useful and help me with the lyrics rather than just watching me?" Taehyung asks as he continues to scribble down things on paper, only to cross them out afterwards.

"And why would I do that?" Yoongi asks smugly. "Are you so used to having everyone do your own jobs for you that now that you've got to do them yourself, you're not up to the task?"

"Maybe I'm better off without your help"

"I never said that I wouldn't help" Yoongi says notulantly. "But seeing you all flustered and angry really makes my day"

Taehyung spins around in his chair and glares daggers at Yoongi.

It only makes the elder laugh.

"You're cute when you're angry" Yoongi says in a patronising way.

"I could say the same about you"

Yoongi frowns. He doesn't like that Taehyung's using his own words against him.

"See why do you do that? I just don't get it"

"Do what?" Yoongi asks.

"That whole frowny moody thing. Like the teenage angst. It doesn't suit you very much. You try so hard to be scary that in reality it just makes you look like an idiot"

"Am I not an idiot then?"


Yoongi chuckles. Its a genuine sound that erupts from his chest. Its the nearest sound to laughter that Yoongi has made in a long time.

"Is that seriously what you think about me?" Yoongi asks with a laugh. "That I try hard to be scary but I'm actually an idiot?"

Taehyung shrugs.

"I don't know you so I feel as though I'm in no place to make any assumptions about you"

"Huh that's weird" Yoongi mutters.

"What's weird?"

"That you heard that. What the fuck. Why is your hearing so good?" Yoongi questions with wide curious eyes.

Taehyung shrugs again.

"I guess it was a skill that I needed to acquire"

"And why's that?"

Taehyung shakes his head.

"You don't need to know that. As I've told you before you don't know me and personally I don't want you to get to know me. No offense"

Yoongi snorts. The conversation is beyond entertaining.

"I don't think there's much to get to know to be honest. Aren't you just this silly happy bubbily kid who is in with a crowd of people he doesn't even like who does his best to be perfect, but is in conflict with himself and his self-righteousness as his parents want the perfect kid but you can't provide that for them no matter how hard you try. And you had a one night stand with someone to make you feel a little bit more normal but when your parents found out they flipped and now you play the innocent card to ease your own burdened guilt. Sound about right?"

"No" Taehyung deadpans.

Yoongi's brows crease in confusion. His predictions about people are always correct.

Taehyung decides to play along.

"The bit about my parents wanting the perfect child is true but apart from that, everything else you said is wrong"

"Fancy shedding some light on the truth"

Taehyung sighs.

"Sure why not. Isn't like we've got anything better to do. I'm not this stupidly happy kid but I do genuinely like my friends. I just know that I don't fit in with them. I'm not this perfect person everyone thinks I am. I've got my own past, my own demons that haunt me. I haven't had a good night's sleep in such a bloody long time and the makeup is hardly hiding my panda eyes anymore. So if you would allow me to I'm going to put my head on the desk and sleep now. Goodnight"

Yoongi shakes his head at Taehyung.

He's strange.


A/n: omg I watched like the most amazing anime today called 'Erased'. I really recommend it for those who like anime.

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