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The sound of a soothing voice and the smell of coffee is what wakes Yoongi up in the morning.

He wants to moan about it and yell at whoever has woken him, but stops himself when he clearly hears the deep voice singing.

"Where are you ou, ou, ou, oh you"

Yoongi slowly opens his eyes to see Taehyung sitting at the desk Infront of him, singing gently and quietly. The sound that's emitted from Taehyung's mouth is so soothing that it threatens to send Yoongi back to sleep.

"Wow" Yoongi murmurs.

Taehyung jumps, his voice breaks a little in the song and he's quick to stop singing.

"You've got an amazing voice" Yoongi Whispers.

It's too early in the morning for Yoongi to come up with any witty snide comment or to be rude. He genuinely feels as though he's heard the voice of an angel.

"Sorry for waking you" Taehyung apologizes. "I tried to be as quiet as possible. I just needed to know that the song sounded right and if any lyrics needed to be adjusted"

"It's ok. You could wake me up any morning with that voice and I wouldn't ever complain" Yoongi murmurs.

"Alright Romeo, clearly you're deprived of caffeine. I bought you a black coffee so drink that up before you start reciting poetry to me"

Yoongi chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Thanks Taehyung"

Taehyung's shocked by his kindness. He's normally so rude to everyone. The fact that he's being so nice to him and is even saying 'thank you' he really appreciates. It's strange though.

"How did you know that I only drink black coffee?" Yoongi asks Taehyung once he's gulped down half of it.

"I remembered you ordering it from that day in the cafè"

"You noticed?"

"Ofcourse I did. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. Nobody really seems to notice me. And when they do, they're scared of me"

"I mean you don't really help yourself" Taehyung says with a shrug. "Going round with an angry expression on your face which only makes you look constipated"

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Constipated? Really?" He sighs in defeat. "I take my thank you back"

"No I'm sorry. I just mean that I want to see you smile more it looks better on you"

"Well then thank you"

Taehyung smiles at him. Yoongi can tell that it's a genuine smile, nothing fixed about it. Taehyung genuinely wants to smile at him, and he does. So Yoongi feels the need to smile back at him with the same genuine smile.

"Hey guys!" Namjoon booms, slamming open the doors and walking into the room.

Both Taehyung and Yoongi flinch at the loud noise.

"Why are you so fucking loud" Yoongi groans.

"Why are you two so fucking near eachother?" Namjoon asks wiggling his eyebrows. "I thought there was going to be a war going on between you two that I was going to have to fix"

Taehyung shakes his head.

"Actually we were just discussing the lyrics. Yoongi was just telling me about a spelling mistake I made. You know how grumpy this boy can get in the morning" Taehyung says with a roll of his eye.

"You don't need to tell me about that" Namjoon says with a laugh.

Yoongi's rather impressed with Taehyung. He's just lied so easily on the spot and not even Namjoon, of all people, could tell that it was a lie.

It makes him even more curious about the youngest male in the room.

"So how far have you gotten with the song?" Namjoon asks.

"I finished it. I hope you don't mind" Taehyung says sheepishly. "I woke up during the night and felt a lot of inspiration"

Namjoon looks at Taehyung, beyond impressed with him.

He finished a song overnight.

"What's the song about?" Yoongi asks. "I read the lyrics but like what's the inspiration behind the song?"

Yoongi lied. He never read the lyrics, he only heard Taehyung singing them when he was half asleep. Its a beautiful song but he doesn't know the meaning behind it.

"Its about my friend"

Yoongi and Namjoon look at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. Taehyung realises that the short explanation he's given them isn't enough.

"Me and him had a fight. A really bad one....... about dumplings"

Namjoon and Yoongi both look at Taehyung as if he's crazy.

"Dumplings?" Yoongi asks as if Taehyung's stupid.

"Ok I know it sounds stupid, but the dumplings were just the tipping point"

"That makes sense. There normally is a build up of emotions and then something silly tips you over the edge" Namjoon theorises.

"Exactly. So we had this argument about dumplings. He wanted to eat with me after we went to the gym but I wanted to eat before because I'd been working all day and I was hungry. Basically we had this massive argument for ages and then at 4am I asked him to meet me in the park. He was late and I was in tears thinking he wasn't coming. I remember hearing a bird and found the sound comforting. He ended up showing up and we spoke about why we fell out. He was jealous and thought he was losing me as a friend. I was upset that he was distancing himself from me"

"So all that drama over something stupid?" Yoongi asks.


"I'm glad I don't have lots of friends now"

"Me too" Namjoon agrees.

"So what you're telling me is that all those heartfelt lyrics about crying at 4am and missing someone is about your friend and the fight? Nothing more?" Yoongi asks notulantly.

"Yeah Ofcourse. Why would it be about anything else?"

"Don't you get upset and cry in the early hours of the morning like most emotional teenagers?" Namjoon asks.

"No. Why would I? I'm just a happy pretty boy after all"

Yoongi smirks. Taehyung really knows when to play the innocent card and when to be open.

Yoongi finds it unbelievably attractive.

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