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For the next few days, Yoongi and Taehyung give eachother hell.

Taehyung keeps on introducing his friends to Yoongi and involving him in conversations.

Yoongi keeps on throwing insults at Taehyung to try and wipe away his smile that's plastered on his face all day everyday.

There they sit, next to eachother, in maths class, neither paying attention to the teacher.

"Why do you want me to be sad?" Taehyung asks with a laugh, spinning his pen between his fingers. "Isn't it a little depressing that you want me to go home and cry all of the time"

Yoongi snickers.

"I don't want that. You're doing that already"

"Ouch" Taehyung says sarcastically, holding his hands against his chest dramatically.

Yoongi looks away from Taehyung and starts writing down some equations that he sees on the board. However, the younger male isn't done with the conversation. He snatches Yoongi's pen up into his hands.

It causes the elder male to look across at him angrily.

"So what do you want? You never answered my question"

"Do you know how annoying it is being compared to you? Little miss perfect who can do no wrong. It's all bullshit"

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize people compared you to me"

"They always do. Just because I'm quiet and insular and refuse to put on some shitty sociable front like you do, doesn't make me a bad person"

"But trying to make someone else unhappy does"

"I'm not trying to make you unhappy, just to let everyone know that nobody's perfect, not even you: Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung shakes his head.

"You really are strange" he says before standing up.

All of a sudden Taehyung cries out in pain and falls back down into his seat, clutching his thigh between his trembling hands.

"Fuck!" Taehyung shouts in pain.

Yoongi looks down to see a glimmering sliver object protruding on Taehyung's thigh. A blade.

Hot, red, sticky blood pulses from the open wound on Taehyung's thigh. A sharp iron scent hits Yoongi's sensitive nose, causing him to scrunch it up in disgust.

"Oh shit Taehyung" Yoongi mutters.

The elder puts his hand on Taehyung's leg to try and stem the bleeding.

Instantly the teacher rushes over to Taehyung along with the rest of the class. Everyone fusses over the young male, who does his best to keep his tears at bay.

"Omg it looks really bad" a girl whispers.

"It must really hurt"

"What if he's hit the main artery in his leg? He could need surgery"

"He will need stitches"

Lots of voices circle around the class as they all ponder what will happen to Taehyung and how bad it is. Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, none positive and reassuring.

Everyone is so worried that it makes Taehyung even more sad. Tears are even closer to escaping from his eyes, coating them in a film of shiny liquid.

"Guys it's not that bad" Yoongi shrugs off.

Everyone looks across at him as he never usually really talks to people.

"Taehyung's strong he can deal with it"

The tears in Taehyung's eyes subside, and the world looks less blurry and less dysfunctional.

Yoongi knows he's helping Taehyung not cry, which is what he's trying to do.

He saw how close to tears Taehyung was, how he was on the edge of breaking point. And he saw the desperation in his eyes, the desperation to keep his facade up no matter what.

Despite all the pain, he refused to let his guard down, to let people see him genuinely vulnerable.

And for the first time, Yoongi realised he should be applauding Taehyung's efforts rather than breaking them as clearly it means more to him than anything else in the world.

"But look how bad it is!" Namjoon interferes. "It's a surprise he isn't in tears by now"

"As I said, Taehyung's strong, he can deal with it. Plus it's just a scratch"

"Y-yeah" Taehyung says in a croaky voice. "Yoongi's right"

"I bet Yoongi did this to him!" A boy accuses. "He's always hated Taehyung"

"Yeah!" A group of people all agree.

"He didn't!" Taehyung defends, his eyes getting watery at the injustice. "I'm sure it was just a mistake, some sort of misunderstanding"

"Taehyung don't defend him. Look at how seriously you're injured!"

"I'm fine!" Taehyung tries to argue "it's just an accident"

"Taehyung we're going have to call an ambulance, this cut is serious. Min Yoongi go to the principles office. You're going to face serious consequences for hurting him"

"I didn't do it" Yoongi says. "And whoever did is properly sick in the head"

"You treat Taehyung so badly" a girl interjects. "We know it's you who did this. You're the only person that hates Taehyung. You're evil. You're disgusting"

"It wasn't him!" Taehyung tries to fight.

"It's Stockholm syndrome. Yoongi's got him under his spell"

"I'm not under any spell, and I can deal with this by myself. Would everyone just calm down?"

Taehyung stands up despite the agony and tries to walk out of the class.

"Let me help you"

"Stop!" Taehyung commands. "I don't want your help if all you're going to do is falsely accuse my friend. Guys let's go"

Taehyung leaves the class slowly with Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi trailing behind.

Yoongi wouldn't admit it, but Taehyung genuinely calling him his friend warms his icey heart.

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