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Once again Yoongi watches Taehyung laughing in class.

"Doesn't he ever shut up?" Yoongi mumbles to himself.

Despite being older than Taehyung, they have the same class as they both take music.

Yoongi doesn't know why Taehyung takes it. He never sings or raps or does anything remotely to do with music. And yet he always seems to get a good grade.

What Yoongi doesn't know is that a good grade isn't enough for Taehyung. He has to get a perfect grade. Everything he does has to be perfect.

"Guys can you get into groups of three and produce and song together please. It can be a cover or an original, I don't really mind, but it has to have your own spin on things"

The teacher claps her hands and tells people to go off into groups.

"Taehyung come with me!"

"No Tae come with me!"

Taehyung looks for an escape. He doesn't want to have to deal with a clingy girl or an obnoxious guy.

That's when he sees Yoongi and Namjoon together at the back of the class.

"Hey guys. I'm Kim Taehyung nice to meet you both" Taehyung introduces himself.

"We know who you are and the answers no" Yoongi spits.

"Sorry about him" Namjoon apologizes. "Kim Namjoon nice to meet you"

Taehyung smiles his boxy smile.

"I know who you are. I know who both of you are" Taehyung tells him.

"You do?" Namjoon questions.

"Yeah. You both are insane rappers. Kim Namjoon, a leader like personality. Never judges a single person. Very likeable and is very good at seeing potential in people"

"Wow thanks" Namjoon says, blushing a little.

"And min Yoongi. The mysterious bad boy that scares everyone here shitless even though I'm not really sure why. I mean he is a lil meow meow afterall"

Namjoon starts pissing himself with laughter.

"A lil meow meow? That's brilliant"

Yoongi just scoffs although a small smirk plays appon his lips. He finds it entertaining hearing about how innocently Taehyung views the world.

What he doesn't realize is that it's a persona.

In actual fact, Taehyung views the world as horrible, wicked and unjust. He hates it. And he hopes to leave it as soon as possible.

"So what do you want?" Yoongi asks. "And that hair colour makes you look like a highlighter gone wrong by the way"

Taehyung gasps sarcastically, not wanting Yoongi to know that his comment actually hurt his feelings a little bit.

"Wow that's so rude. And I was going to ask if I could be part of your group" Taehyung says.

"Go and bother someone else" Yoongi says angrily. "We don't need you or want you"

Taehyung looks up at Namjoon with pleading eyes.

"I mean as far as I'm concerned you're welcome here" Namjoon says with a shrug. "And we do need a third member"

Yoongi glares daggers up at his best friend.


Taehyung looks at Yoongi with eyes that beg him to let him into the group. Yoongi isn't sure why, but he feels as though he can sense some fear in Taehyung and it isn't caused by himself.

He can see how scared Taehyung looks about being in another group.

"Why do you want to be in our group so badly?"

"Everyone else is so boring. Plus I want to get a good grade not a good blowjob" Taehyung says with a shrug.

"Who are you trying to fool?" Yoongi says with a scoff, a smile plays on his lips. "You're the biggest virgin in this room"

For a split second, Yoongi and Namjoon both see Taehyung's façade crumble slightly. He flinches a little at the comment and grimaces.

"I wish" they hear him mutter.

Taehyung shakes his head and puts back on his show stopping smile.

"So can I join your group?" Taehyung asks in a merry voice.

"The fuck just happened to you then?" Yoongi asks, turning his nose up at the youngest. "Did the perfect boy go into overload or something?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully.

"Nobody's perfect" he says with a shrug.

Namjoon snorts.

"You're the living epitomy of perfection" Namjoon tells Taehyung.

This time Taehyung snorts.

"I wish"

"Come on pretty boy" Yoongi says notulantly. "When have you ever had a problem? Oh no did you break a nail?" You says sarcastically.

"I owe you no explanations" Taehyung growls. "All I need to do is get a fucking good grade so am I in your shitty little team or not?"

Taehyung's outburst shocks both Namjoon and Yoongi. Neither of them have ever heard Taehyung swear. Let alone be so aggressive about it.

It makes Yoongi respect him a little more. He hates nothing more than arrogant pretty boys who think too highly of themselves and pretend to be brilliant people.

Seeing Taehyung's true colours is exciting to him.

"Yeah you're on the team" Yoongi says with a shrug. "But there's a catch"

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"And what's that?"

"You have to sing"

Taehyung looks at him as if he's grown another head.

"Absolutely not. I'll write and produce it but I'm not singing. You two can rap. That's part of the reason why I chose this group" Taehyung whines.

"Want to go find another group then?" Yoongi holds the upper hand.


"Then you and Namjoon can sing and write the song and I'll produce it. Deal?"

"Fine, deal"

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