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Yoongi sprawls out on the comfort of his own bed, lying on his stomach to look over at Taehyung.

The said male perches on the corner of the bed feeling rather rude.

"I thought you were straight" Yoongi says all of a sudden.


"You always go round telling people at school you're straight and then you go and kiss my brother"

Taehyung huffs.

"He kissed me" he mutters.

"Right whatever"

"And I am straight by the way!"

Yoongi laughs.

"Then my brother's a female" he says with a laugh.

"No. It was......a lack of judgment. I am straight though and that kiss confirmed it"

Yoongi creases with laughter. He laughs so hard that he holds his stomach as it hurts so bad. Taehyung's confused face causes him to laugh even harder.

Eventually, after much laughter, he pulls himself back together and re gains composure.

"Sorry but are you saying my brother is a bad kisser?" Yoongi asks with laughter.

Taehyung smiles and shakes his head.

"But seriously mate you can't be straight" Yoongi says whilst wiping a tear off of his cheek from all the laughter. "It's impossible"

"So what if I'm straight or not? I still haven't really decided"


"I bet you're saying this because you're actually gay" Taehyung theorises "yes, that's it. Maybe you even have a boyfriend but you're too scared to come out so you tell the most popular dude in school you're gay to make the school accept it as you want me to come out aswell"

Taehyung gives Yoongi a smug smile, already feeling like a detective.

Like Sherlock Holmes.

The smirk on Taehyung's face demonstrates how proud of himself he is and how he thinks that he's figured out Yoongi: the mysterious guy in the back of the class.

"No" Yoongi deadpans.

The smirk immediately vanishes and Taehyung frowns and gives Yoongi a quizzical look.

"I'm not gay" Yoongi simply answers.

"Then what are you?"

"A human?"

Taehyung gives Yoongi an angry glare. It makes Yoongi smirk this time. Taehyung no longer feels in control of the situation anymore.

"Fine I'm bi" Yoongi gives in.

"Bi? What's that?"

"Bisexual. I like both guys and girls" Yoongi tells him.

"That's a thing? You can do that?"

"Ofcourse you can. And I think you're most likely bi"

Taehyung shrugs.

"Maybe" he mutters.

Yoongi jumps up off of his bed and moves over to Taehyung. The younger boy slightly cowers from the elder male standing over him.

Maybe he's intimidated by Yoongi knowing who he is and is proud to be bisexual, or maybe he just feels nervous around Yoongi.

"Let's go do something else" he says sweetly.

Instantly the intense atmosphere is diminished.

Yoongi helps Taehyung to his feet and keeps a protective arm round Taehyung's waist.

"I can walk you know" Taehyung says with a laugh.

"I know but I don't want you getting hurt" Yoongi says calmly.

His arm wraps tighter round Taehyung's waist and the said male feels butterflies swarm his stomach and heat rise to his cheeks.

They go downstairs and Yoongi sits Taehyung in a chair in his music studio he has in his house.

"So, can you play any instruments?" Yoongi asks.

"Pianno, guitar and trumpet" Taehyung says proudly.


Yoongi tosses Taehyung a guitar and goes over to the piano to sit on the stool.

"Play something" he instructs.

"Huh? What?"

"I said play something"

Taehyung awkwardly holds the guitar, unsure what to play. Yoongi watches how uncomfortable Taehyung is, but does nothing to help him.

"Umm.....I guess I'll play a song that I wrote myself"

Yoongi nods.

"Go ahead"

Hesitantly Taehyung plays a few cords before gradually getting into the flow and feeling less awkward.

~"she looks like a blue parrot"
"would you come fly to me"~
~"i want some good day, good day, good day
Good day, good day"~
~"Looks like a winter bear"
"You sleep so happily"~
~"I wish you good night, good night, good night
Good night, good night"~
~"Imagine your face"
"Say hello to me"
"Til all the bad days"
"They're nothing to me"
"With you"~
~"Winter bear"~
~"Ooh, ooh, ooh"~
~"Sleep like a winter bear"~
~"Ooh, ooh, ooh"~
~"Sleep like a winter bear"~~

Taehyung strums on the guitar for a bit to the tune of the song before gently getting quieter and quieter until he stops all together

Looking over at Yoongi, Taehyung's shocked to see him fast asleep with his head rested on the case of the piano.

He knows he would be unable to carry him upstairs and doubts that Jungkook would be willing to help after what just happened between them two.

So instead, he goes hunting round the living room to find a warm blanket. He removes Yoongi's leather jacket and replaces it with the ultra furry blanket.

"Goodnight hyung" Taehyung whispers before pecking him on the forehead.

He assumes Yoongi is asleep as that man sleeps like a rock, but unknown to him, he felt the kiss and heard him scurrying round for a blanket.

But Yoongi's not the only one who saw the kiss, so did Jungkook, and he's devistated.

Sadly he walks back to his room, feeling resentment towards Taehyung and his brother.

Taehyung walks home in the cold, dark night painfully as his leg decides to give him grief.

Even so, he couldn't help but enjoy the evening with Yoongi.

A/n: guess who's in hospital potentially needing surgery :/

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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