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Jimin drives their group back to his house due to Taehyung's request not to go to hospital.

"It just infuriates me that Yoongi's being blamed for this!" Taehyung huffs. "He didn't do it"

"How can you be so certain?" Jimin asks looking Yoongi up and down. "I've never trusted that boy"

"He didn't do it. We have this war going on, but he'd never do something as drastic as that"

"I'm not so sure about that, he wanted to see you sad and probably thought that would be the way to succeed. I mean you heard the way he said you were only scratched, I mean look at that cut, it's a heck of a lot more than a scratch"

"But in some funny way it calmed me down, made me think less about the pain"

"Whatever" Jimin shrugs it off. "I still don't trust that boy"

The boys all help Taehyung into Jimin's flat, and surprisingly Yoongi even holds the door open for the limping boy.

Namjoon had offered to carry Taehyung, but the younger male had quickly declined saying that he was too heavy and he's independent.

Taehyung sits down on the stool in Jimin's bathroom as blood drips down his leg onto the tiles below.

"Take off your pants" Jimin tells him.


"Take them off, I need to be able to sort out your cut"

"You need to take the blade out first" Yoongi tells him. "Otherwise him taking his trousers off may deepen the blade"

"It's fine. I can do this myself" Taehyung says.

"Let me help" Yoongi says gently. "I always used to help kook out when he got into fights during boxing"

"N-no" Taehyung declines. "I don't want you guys to see my body"

Yoongi looks at Namjoon and Jimin, signalling them with his eyes to walk out and shut the bathroom door behind themselves. They do this obediently.

"Oh thank fuck for that!" They hear Jimin say. "The sight of blood makes me want to pass out"

"Jimin there's blood in your carpet" Namjoon tells him.

"Nooo! Not my precious carpet!"

Taehyung giggles slightly before a few tears rolls down his cheeks. These few tears lead to more, and eventually sobs leave his lips. They're only quiet as he's mastered the technique of quiet crying, but he's still in a lot of pain.

"Hey hey hey don't cry" Yoongi whispers.


"Don't apologize. Fuck I don't know how to deal with crying people"

Taehyung laughs sadly as tears drip from his eyes.

"Sorry, s-staying so s-strong all the time is r-really d-difficult" Taehyung hiccups.

"I know" Yoongi says with a small smile.

Yoongi picks up the cotton pads that Jimin had left in the room and moves the medical suture kit nearer to him.

Jimin is slightly paranoid so he always has things like this in his cupboards.

"Taehyung this is going to hurt" Yoongi warns him. "I'll need to remove the blade and then take off your trousers to be able to stitch it up. It'll probably bleed a lot so I'm going to need you to keep the pads on it to soak up as much blood as possible"

Taehyung nods in nervousness.

Yoongi guides Taehyung's trembling hand to his and holds it tight.

"I've got you" he whispers.

"Thank you" he whispers back.

Then Yoongi quickly yanks the blade out of Taehyung's leg, causing the younger male to scream out in pain.

Blood pumps even quicker out of Taehyung's leg, he puts the pads over the cut just like Yoongi instructed.

"You're doing really well. You're so brave" Yoongi talks him to help him feel better.

Yoongi unbuckles Taehyung's belt and tosses it to the side before unzipping Taehyung's trousers.

"Y-yoongi" Taehyung stutters.

"What's wrong?"

More sobs leave Taehyung's mouth before he manages to pull himself together.

"P-please don't j-j-judge me"

Yoongi nods before pulling down Taehyung's trousers. In any other situation the action would look sexual, but considering the circumstances, neither of them think like that.

Yoongi pulls down Taehyung's trousers to his ankles before starting to stitch up the cut. Whenever Yoongi instructs, Taehyung mops up his own blood that continues to leak from the cut.

He couldn't help but notice some seriously bad scars on Taehyung's thigh, he reckons this cut will scar similarly.

Yoongi decides not to ask about them.

"There we go" Yoongi says, looking up from his crouched position to see Taehyung's face screwed up in pain.

A massive plaster is placed over the cut to avoid infection.

"Will it be fine by this time next week?" Taehyung asks.

"Umm probably not? I'm not sure I'm no doctor"

"Right. Thank you Yoongi"

Taehyung tries to stand up but cries out in pain. Yoongi holds Taehyung's arm.

"Let me help you. You're going to be weak and unable to walk alone for a while"

"Thank you"

"I'll wash it out with salt water everyday for you" Yoongi says.

"I can do it myself" Taehyung says as he wipes away the tear stains on his cheeks.

"You can't. It'll be too painful"

Taehyung shrugs.

"I can look after myself. I always have done"

Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"I'm doing it for you so shut up and let me help you"

"Fine" Taehyung gives in, knowing he won't have the strength to do it to himself.

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