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Jimin wiggles his eyebrows at Taehyung in a suggesting manner.

"You seem to know an awful lot about him" he says with a hint of mischief in his tone.

"I mean we were in a group together" Taehyung says with a roll of his eye.

"Yeah but you seem to be rather interested in him"

"I don't swing that way" Taehyung lies.

"Taehyung, my love, my soulmate, my best friend" Jimin says in a persuasive manner. "I know you more than I know myself, and I know when you're interested in someone and which way you swing"

Taehyung's cheeks turn a hot red colour and he pulls down his mask to get a little ventilation onto his face.

Jimin giggles and pinches Taehyung's cheeks.

"Awe how cute. Taehyungie has a crush. I just don't necessarily like the guy"

Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"You just see the front he puts on" Taehyung tells him.

"I have to agree with Taehyung on this one" Namjoon says. "He is putting on a front of being this miserable guy, however Jimin is also right, I don't think you two should be together"

Taehyung frowns.

"I don't like him" he quickly says. "But if I did, why shouldn't I get with him?"

"He can just be rather cold" Namjoon says with a shrug, not wanting to tell Taehyung the truth.

"He's said something horrible about me hasn't he" Taehyung concludes.

Namjoon keeps quiet.

Jimin seethes with fury.

"He's hurting my soulmate" he says angrily whilst clenching his fists. "Whoever hurts my soulmate gets hurt by me"

Taehyung shakes his head with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks Chim but you don't need to protect me"

"And why's that?"

"Because it's just a game" Taehyung says with a shrug. "And he's just lost"

"How has he lost?" Namjoon asks. "He doesn't want anyone by his side and now he's got his wish"

"He thinks he's got nobody by his side, but he's got me. And I've got the whole school. So now he's got the whole school" Taehyung says with a mischievous smirk.

"What're you planning?" Jimin asks.

"Well he's been trying to out me to the school for not being this 'perfect' person everyone thinks I am, so now I'm going to out him for not being only this moody person"

"Do you really think he can change?" Namjoon asks.

Taehyung shrugs.

"No idea but it's a game, so even if it doesn't work, it sure will piss him off"

"I don't think annoying him is the best thing to do" Jimin says cautiously.

Taehyung shakes his head.

"If he's going to chat shit about me, I'm going to make it rain down on him"

"As you should!" Namjoon and Jimin agree.

"But be careful" Jimin whispers. "He looks like he could easily hurt you if he wanted to"

"He wouldn't" Taehyung says with a shrug.

Taehyung leaves his desk and walks over to Yoongi who sits at the back of the class with music flooding into his ears so loudly that Taehyung can hear it. The elder male has his head rested on the desk and eyes shut. He looks rather peaceful asleep.

Taehyung tries to get the elder males attention, but it's to no avail. He's fast asleep.

Sighing, Taehyung sits down in the seat next to him and takes out one of his earphones.

Still he doesn't sir.

"Hyungggg" Taehyung whines whilst pouting.

Yoongi's eyelashes flutter before his eyes slowly open. Taehyung feels him looking at him, studying him for a few moments, before he frowns and grumbles at him.

"What do you want?"

"Hyung I wanted a chat" Taehyung says in a mischievous but playful way.

"Fuck off!"

Taehyung's smile drops.

"That's mean" he sulks. "I just wanted a conversation with you"

Yoongi huffs.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"I want to be friends with you" Taehyung says innocently. "You've been rather mean to my face and behind my back so I think it's only fair that you agree"

"What?" Yoongi scoffs. "You want to be friends with me even though you know I hate you"

"Hate is a strong word"

"Its not strong enough"

Taehyung sighs and glares at Yoongi a little.

"Just accept it and be my friend before I make your life hell"

"It's already hell" Yoongi says notulantly. "And it's getting worse the more you talk to me"

"Fine" Taehyung huffs. "Have it your way, but you're going to regret it"

"As if" Yoongi dismisses.

"HEY GUYS!" Taehyung shouts, completely disregarding the lesson. "Come meet Yoongi my best friend"

Lots of people rush over through the command of Taehyung, and the said male throws his arm around Yoongi's shoulders making the said male groan uncomfortably.

"Taehyung are you sure you want to be friends with.....that?" A girl asks rudely.

"Look how cute he is" Taehyung says pinching his cheeks.

Everyone giggles, not at Yoongi but at Taehyung. They just think he's absolutely adorable. Most people in the room are older than Taehyung, so they see him as a cute younger brother.

"Get off" Yoongi huffs, shoving away his hands.

Before anyone can tell Yoongi not to be so rude, Taehyung giggles. They all look towards him to find how to react.

"Awe you're so cute hyung"

Lots of other people laugh along, seeing from Taehyung how they should react.

It makes Yoongi annoyed.

"I'll see you later guys" Taehyung says. "I just wanted to introduce my new best friend to you guys"

Taehyung points finger hearts towards them and winks. Lots of them squeal in joy as if Taehyung's some sort of idol.

Once they leave, Taehyung turns to Yoongi with a hand on his hip showing him plenty of sass.

"What the fuck was that?" Yoongi spits.

"My turn"


"That's my move for you chatting shit about me" Taehyung says simply.

"You think this is a game?"


"Well then I'm going to give you hell for that"

"Give me your best shot!"

The Quiet In The NoiseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ