chapter 1

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Natasha's POV

Day 1

I was on a mission, something to do with Hydra. Not gonna lie it wasn't easy. The last thing I remember is I was fighting my target then suddenly everything went black. Now I'm currently held captive in this room. I stirred awake and I saw myself tied up on a chair.

I started to untie myself. My target is currently busy watching tv. She seemed didn't notice I was awake and trying to escape. I got to the door and it's locked. I tried to open it but it won't. I tried the window didn't work either. Suddenly, my target started clapping.

"Stop trying, you are not going to escape. You can try and try but there is no way out," she said with a scoff.

"Then how you will set yourself out? To buy the necessary things you know. You can't stay here forever" I said while pointing my gun at her.

"Drop the firearm. I don't want to be violent with you"

"Isn't that why you held me captive?"

Then she started walking towards me.

"No. You are here to answer some of my questions and keep me company in the meantime, got that?"

"Okay. Just be fast the team is going to find me in the next few days anyway."

"No honey. You are going to stay here until I want to. They're not going to find you. I smashed your ear thing by the way at the place where you fainted. Also, let me update you, this place can not be reached. If something is about to go in, I know it. If something is about to go out I know. I have eyes everywhere, darling"

Clearly, I am nervous and she enjoying it. She has a smirk on her face.

She invited me over to the couch and she sat on the chair across me.

"So now, the first question is where are the twins?"

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