chapter 13

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Camden's POV

I woke up early not because of my nightmare but because of our date. I need to buy something that I needed.

I looked down to the beside me. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I would do anything for this girl. Whatever happens. I'm ready. I know my faith.

I decided to stay in bed for a while and enjoy this feeling. I know I wouldn't feel this in another person. She's my first and she would be my last.  I wouldn't love anymore after her.

I started to play with red fiery hair. I hope she's the one I saw in that episode of my future.

After a few moments, she started to wake up. She looks up at me and gave me a loving smile.

"Good morning, love" I greeted her.

"Good morning, my girlfriend," she said with her deep morning voice while wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'm somebody's else girlfriend" I playfully said to her.

"Nope. You're mine and only mine. Okay?" She said sitting down on my lap and holding my cheeks with both hands.

"I'm not sure. I might need a little convincing"

She laughs and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss is sweet and delicate. We both hummed in the kiss.

"Is that enough convincing?"

"No. I need more"

She pecks my whole face with kisses. I know you wish I was you but keep dreaming though.

After a few more pecks of kisses, we stared into each other's eyes.

"I never thought brown is my favourite colour," she said out of the blue.

"Why is your favourite colour is brown all of the sudden?"

"It's the colour of  the eyes of the girl I love"

"There's a lot of brown-eyed girls in the world. Be more specific"

"You. I love you"

"I love you too. You make me want to live. Not survive. Not exist. Live"

We kissed each other once more.

"I should prepare for our date"

"No. WE should prepare for our date"

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