chapter 7

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????? POV

"Can you remove your jacket, please?"
Natasha asked the girl. Camden nodded and remove her leather jacket. Natasha gulped when she saw the girl's arms. She looks so muscular but in a hot way. She notices that Camden had a tattoo on her arm. Natasha wanted to ask her but she wasn't sure if it's a good idea.

 Natasha wanted to ask her but she wasn't sure if it's a good idea

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Camden sense that Natasha wants to ask about the tattoo.

"It's about the girl I saw in my future," Camden said while looking at busy Natasha.


"The tattoo. When I was with Hydra, I tried to look in my future. I wanted to if I'm going to be okay. I saw her. I couldn't see her face that's why it's roses. I saw her holding a rose that she said I gave. She's a redhead like you"

"You could see the future?"

"Yes. Hydra said that my biological father was a wizard. He had this stone that is so powerful, you could see everything about the time. He did a spell when I was a child so that I can inherit his stone but then Hydra"

"What did Hydra do to you?"

"It doesn't matter. It's in the past"

"Okay. Can you look in mine?"

"In your what?"

"My future. I want to know if I settled down, have a partner in life and house maybe a dog or a kid"

"Yes, of course. Just say it to me when you're ready" Camden said and send her a warm smile. That made Natasha's heart melt.

Natasha finished on her arms and knuckles. It's time for the lips.

Natasha dabbed the cotton with alcohol too hard, making Camden hissed in pain.

"I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt that much"

Natasha continues to clean and treat the busted lips. It's a kissable lips, Natasha thought. Meanwhile, Camden didn't realise she was staring at Natasha's eyes. Camden is very fond of green-eyed people. Natasha noticed that Camden is staring at her. She sends a warm smile to the girl. Making the girl's heart flutter.

"You have a beautiful smile, Tasha"


"My new nickname to you or do you prefer Captain Crunch's girlfriend or Splatasha"

Natasha is laughing so hard making Camden join too.


I already finished this story. Ya'll are not ready hehe.

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