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"BRING HER HERE!!!" A loud, booming voice could be heard throughout the castle. The person who shouted that is a tall man wearing a dark suit with a blue tie, he also has very dark blue hair which is covering part of his eyes.

"Yes Your Majesty" Two armed people wearing a mask which looks like a giant, open mouth ready to swallow and eat anything it sees fit, the people are also wearing a dark blazer, similar to the one that the king was wearing, however their ties and shirts are a different colour to the king's with their ties all being red and their shirts all being white, each guard also has very spiky dark brown hair and they all stand up straight.

Upon hearing the king's orders, two of the guards in the area rush out of the room looking to grab someone.

Soon, the guards come back in with a scruffily dressed woman scared look in her face, the king bends down and starts talking to her. "Now, now Megan, I have my sources that you've been helping the rebellion to try and take me down, I'm hurt, I considered you a friend Megan." From the 'I'm hurt' the King speaks in a sarcastic tone, indicating that he did not consider Megan a friend.

" did?" Megan asks with a shaking breath and sounding like she's about to cry.

The king bursts into laughter and ends up rolling on the ground, it takes him around 30 seconds to regain his composure before he talks again. "NO!!! Why would you even think that I'd be friends with a common peasant like you?" The king's tone changes from one of laughter to one of seriousness then starts to walk to his throne, clearly looking for something.

"But...but...but...I'm friends with your sist-" Megan cuts herself off before she can finish that sentence and upon hearing that, the king stops moving, turns around and goes back to Megan.

"What....Did....You....Just.....Say?" The tone of the king is indicating that he is now starting to get pissed off and annoyed with Megan.

"...." Megan stays silent, she knows that whatever she says next won't be good in the slightest.

"I'll give you a few more chances to answer me." The king says that in a calm tone, after which Megan spits in his face.

"Rot in hell, I'd much rather die than tell you what I know." Megan says that in a still scared but this time also determined tone and the king goes back to his throne, goes behind it and gets a sword out.

"It's a shame it had to be like this Megan, if you had just simply told me what you know, I would have let you live" The king says that in a calm tone as well. "GUARDS, Get the camera crew here NOW!!!" The King says that in an ordering tone.

"Yes Your Majesty, right away sir!!!" Multiple guards run off somewhere.

"While we wait for them, let's continue our little chat shall we?" The King's tone suddenly changes from the ordering one from a few seconds back to a more calm and composed one.

"You know, my offer is still out there Megan, if you tell me what you know then I will let you live."

"AS IF!!!" Megan says that in a scared tone as well.

"It's a shame you know, in a different timeline, we may have been friends Megan, I doubt it but with an infinite number of universes, you never know, hell, there may even be one where you're running this country." The king is speaking in a calm tone now, it's clear that he is just doing this to buy some time.

"W...w...what do you mean?" Megan is now speaking in a soft tone, it's clear that she knows what's going to happen in a few minutes and instead of fighting, has just come to terms with it.

"Do you know of the multiverse theory Megan?" The king asks.

"" She replies in the same soft tone as before.

"The short version of it is that there are an infinite number of universes that exist right outside ours and each one is very different, sometimes they're only slightly different, other times the differences are massive, you still with me?" The king says that in a calm tone, due to the tone of his voice, it's clear that he seems to try and have a casual chat with everyone he's about to execute.

"Y...y...yeah, I am." She replies.

"Good, continuing on from that, sometimes those differences can range from our roles being swapped to roles being the same but replaced with other things instead of us humans and everything in between, literally anything you can think of, in a multiverse, there is likely a different version of it somewhere." As soon as the king finishes saying that, the guards that left the room come back with a camera crew, the camera crew look the same as the guards.

"Ah, you're here, well Megan, that was a nice chat, but I'm afraid it's time for you to say goodbye." The king says readying his sword.

"We're recording now Your Majesty." One of the camera crew says.

"Greetings my loyal citizens, I trust you've all been well?" He says to the camera.

A very dim but still audible booing sound can be heard inside the throne room, coming from outside.

"I take that as a yes, anyway I have a special treat for you all today." The king moves away from the camera and goes to the other side of Megan.

"Now, you all know I usually use my gun for these executions but, today I decided I should use my sword for a special reason, well actually...Megan, I will give you one more chance to live, use it and i'll cut off the broadcast and let you leave alive....what do you know about my sister?" The king is still speaking in a calm tone.

Instead of saying anything, Megan spits on him then replies "Rot in hell dickface".

"Aww Megan, I was hoping you'd give up what you know, oh well, any last words for anyone out there before I do this?" The king asks.

"...No." She replies.

"Oh? That's strange, usually everyone does have last words, anyway I'm not complaining" He says.

In one swift swing, the king decapitates Megan sending her head flying across the room, with the body going limp and sending blood all along the floor from her neck, not only that but the head flying is also leaving blood on both the floor and walls of the throne room.

"Dispose of the body." He says in a sinister tone while holding the bloody sword, with bits of the blood dripping onto the floor.

"See that, this is one of two possible deaths for anyone who dares to disobey my rules and one more thing...If anyone manages to capture the rebellion and bring them to me ALIVE then I will grant that person and a friend of theirs full immunity and make them next in line for the throne."

The broadcast cuts off and the king is still in the throne room.

"Dispose of the body and clean this" He gives the sword to one of the guards and they rush off to clean it, two more grab a hold of the body and walk it away, meanwhile the king sits down on his throne, looking outside of his window.

"Where the fuck are you hiding Kingston, I know you're down there somewhere, I just need you dead then I can go through with my master plan." He says speaking to himself.

Prologue end 

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