Chapter 4: Receive and Turn You Part 1

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"JACOB! ALFIE! RILEY! REPORT TO YOUR ROOMS NOW!!!" A voice over a loudspeaker can be heard, the voice sounds feminine and very dominant, however there is a hint of innocence towards it but that can only be heard by those who are actually trying to hear it.

After the three don't return, the voice shouts that out again and it keeps looping in the same tone for five minutes until the alarms in the castle go off, all the guards leave their rooms and stand outside of their rooms in an attention pose, as if they were in some sort of army getting ready to defend their country.

While most of the soldiers are standing outside their rooms in what would usually be a giant, empty hallway, there are three doors which has no-one standing there.

Upon hearing the alarm, the king goes to the doors.

"YOU THREE, GET OUT HERE, NOW!!!" Despite him shouting that in a very pissed off tone, there was no response coming from the rooms.

"YOU THREE, OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" He shouts at three of the guards who are standing next to him and without hesitation, all three of them do open the doors but when they're open, they find that the rooms have been vacated, almost as if they were in a hotel room and that would be because the Alfie, Jacob and Riley aren't actually in the castle anymore.

"What the fuck?" The king says in a calm but still very pissed off tone.

"It would seem that the three soldiers who stayed in this room are no longer here!" One soldier says in a calm but very scared tone with a slight hint of masculinity towards his voice.

"Oh, I thought that they were definitely in there, do forgive me for my stupidity." The king replies in a very sarcastic tone.

"You are forgive-" The guard starts to say but is then cut off by The King.

"I was being sarcastic, you dumbass." He replies.

"Anyway, search EVERY ROOM, NO-ONE goes to sleep until we find those three!" He shouts as he walks out of the room, slamming the double doors at the end of the hallway behind him.

In a panic, everyone starts splitting up and going to different rooms of the castle.

The next morning, soldiers are still searching, however they haven't had any luck finding three that have gone missing, however one soldier outside has noticed a hole in the moat of the castle.

"What the-" the soldier says to themself, after noticing the hole, as such, they begin to investigate and follow it, only to find that it leads to where the three got out, alongside that.

"So...I wonder if this is how they got out? Sneaky bastards, how long were they digging this and how did they get away with it?" The soldier says to themself, after which, they go back the way they went in the pull out a walkie-talkie.

"Everyone, you're gonna want to see this, I think I found out what happened to the three." The soldier says.

Soon after, everyone is by the moat.

"Let me just get right to the point, the three went through the hole down here and came out the other end which leads to the rest of the country." The soldier says.

"And you know how?" The King asks.

"I went through the hole myself then placed two and two together after seeing what was on the other side." The soldier replies.

"I see, I had a feeling that something like this would happen sooner or later." The king says.

"What do you mean Your Highness?" The soldier asks.

"None of your business, anyway, fill this hole up so no-one leaves without permission again." The king responds.

"Very well." The soldier responds and starts to fill up the hole, not asking anymore questions.

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