Epilogue 23:00-00:00

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The outskirts of Edalbire; what would usually be a beautiful landscape countryside with peace and quiet has that ruined, not only by the loudspeakers that can be heard from there but also by the helicopters leaving the country.

Standing on a hill are two beings: Science Lab, however, he doesn't have his lab jacket on and Proto.

"I hope they arrive soon, Proto..."

A worried beep comes from them as they're watching the live stream of Seth executing the remaining members of the rebellion in horror, despite being horrified by it, he can't bring himself to not watch it, well that is until he hears a familiar voice.

"Didn't ya know that the blue light from your phone is bad for your eyes at night?"

After hearing that voice Science Lab turns around with their phone's light in front of that and sees none other than Gothboy.


He had never sounded so relieved and happy in his life, finding out that so far, one of his friends was still alive, during the hug he had started to cry.

While he was crying, Proto was beeping excitedly.

"H...h...how did you survive?"

"You're forgetting Henry... I've got no fears."

"I know but.."

He is able to regain his composure and wipe the tears from his face.

"Hey, remember those pills CF gave us?"

At first Henry nods, then his face turns to one of realisation.

"Yeah, they temporarily kill us, you didn't take yours?"

He pulls out a little capsule and inside it is the same small white pill that Gothboy took.

"I'm curious now: How did you get out?"

"Little word of advice for if you ever become a dictator? When you kidnap someone and chain them up with modern leg chains...make sure they don't know the person who programmed the software."

"Oh...wait, you could have broken out at any time?"

"Yep, I just wanted some insider information to relay over to the rebellion."

"I see."

"Anyways, where's the others?"

"Gasmask should be on her way now, not so sure about Vetry, Bounty and Stopwatch."

As if right on cue, those four show up together.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Bounty is the first to speak and once hearing that, Henry runs up to and hugs them all and despite not being much of a hugger, Gothboy does the same.

After they part from the hug, they all gather round in a circle and Gothboy is the first to speak.

"Hey guys, should we go back to first names?"

The other five agree to that.

"Alrighty...uh...remind me again?"

Gasmask: "Sophia"

Vetry: "Dylan"

Stopwatch: Alfie

Bounty: "Max"

Science Lab: "Henry"

Gothboy: "And finally me: Charlie"

"Noice, oh Gas-"

Charlie cuts herself off, she had intended to say Sophia's name but out of instinct, almost said her codename from the rebellion.

"Sophia, can I speak with you in private for a minute or two?"


The two go to some nearby trees.

"So, did you do what you wanted?"

Sophia nods.

"Mhmhm, they're safe in The Netherlands now, I know that for sure."

"That's amazing, I am so glad that your family was able to get out of Edalbire."


"Except what?"

"I don't know where Sapphire is."


"Any news at CF HQ?"

"Nope, they don't know either."

"Well, I'm sure he's fine, plus he has an amazing sister, I'm sure he won't want to upset you."

Charlie places her hand on Sophia's shoulder and gives her a warm and wholesome smile.

"Heh...I always forget just how tall you are Charlie."

"Yeah, I get that."

"Then again, I am pretty small so, maybe it's also me?"

"Yeah, you're what, 5'2 aren't ya?"


"Damn, that is small"

The two make small talk in an attempt to cheer each other up, meanwhile, the others are chatting about something more important.

With mainly Henry and Dylan speaking.

"So...how do you think they're gonna react when they find out the mission is a failure?"

"I don't know but I'm mostly scared of how Norman's gonna react."

"Oh boy, he's got his hands full with the eyepatch kid right? The last thing he needs is us coming back after a few years with a failed mission."

"Wouldn't that kid be like 18 or 19 now though?"

"True, still doesn't take away from the eye patch."

Charlie overhears the conversation they're having.

"Don't let Norman hear ya refer to Kenzey as 'Eyepatch kid.'"

Dylan is the first to respond after Charlie mentions that.

"Why not?"

"Uh...I made that mistake once...regretted it ever since."

"How so?"

"So, you know how in one game, there's a character who supposedly kills an innocent person and he's sent to this room with like 3 higher ranking people and one of them kicks a table?"


"Norman is worse than that."

"Oooookkkkkkkkaaaaayyyy then, not gonna ask any more follow-ups."



Both Charlie and Sophia return to the group.

"...What now?"

"I don't know, probably best if we just bite the bullet and take whatever punishment we get."

"Oh boy...we were chosen for this mission cause all of us grew up in Edalbire and yet...we somehow failed."

The group started walking down the hill in silence, all deep in thought, heading away from Edalbire until Alfie turns around.

"We'll come back and next time, we'll be ready for you Seth...just you wait..."

After saying that, the group starts walking back and Charlie pulls out her phone to ring a certain number.

"Hello, the Edalbire mission is over, requesting pick up from this phone's rough location."

Once she says that she puts the phone down, the group just continues walking.


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