Chapter 7: The Night Before The Fall Of Edalbire Part 1

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Everyone is standing in the briefing room, looking at Hockface after what she just said, she also stands there and sighs, knowing full well that what she's about to say could very well send the entire rebellion into chaos, however she braces herself... "Science Lab..."

Just as she feared, everyone in the rebellion was talking over each other and shouting, no-one could get a word in, not even Gothboy or hockface shouting at everyone to tell them to be quiet works and as such, Gasmask flips a switch that's only intended to be used against intruders and fires some sleeping gas that puts everyone except her to sleep.

She starts thinking to herself 'Oh right...oops...' Clearly not thinking it through, she stops the sleeping gas and just sits down in another room looking at the same photo from before, getting lost in thought.

'I miss you all, I know you got out of here but...where did you go? I never saw you at HQ once and yet you said you went there...' Some tears start going down Gasmask's face but before she can properly let them out, she notices people start to wake up so she wipes her eyes and puts on a brave face, even though deep down, she's really emotional right now.

As people slowly wake up, she hides the photo in her jacket pocket and makes up an excuse for why everyone was out of it.

"Oh, there was an intruder and I took them down to the interrogation room."

Gothboy starts walking out of the room with the intent to interrogate this person, however as she goes past Gasmask, she grabs her arm and whispers.

"Meet me outside in ten minutes, there is no-one new down in that room."

She nods and leaves the room as to not raise the suspicions of anyone who is in the room, meanwhile Hockface looks at the two and confused.

"What was that about So- Gasmask?"

"Oh, I just needed to tell Gothboy something."

"Uh-uh? And it couldn't have waited until after she was done?"


"I see..."

Altho clearly getting suspicious of Gasmask, Hockface knows that she's also been guilty of doing stuff like that so, she can't exactly stay suspicious for long.

After the meeting had concluded, everyone else started to walk out the room, meanwhile Hockface was in deep thought.

'How could he though...Plus wouldn't he take Proto with him?'

Proto beeps worridly on Hockface's shoulder.

"I'm worried too lil guy."

'I wonder...did he even go willingly? I recall him once saying that he would always take Proto with him wherever he went...maybe i'm thinking too much into this...I don't know...'

She sighs and walks out of the room, meanwhile keeping Proto on her shoulder.

Outside the base, Gasmask sits on a rebel car, while Gothboy sits on the one next to it.

"So, what'cha want to talk to me about?"

"It's about this."

Gasmask pulls out the photo from before and points to the boy.

"Sapphire? What about him?"

"When I last spoke to him, he said that he was assigned to this operation but I haven't seen or heard from him since the operation started."

"Hmmm, that's definitely weird, do the others know about this?"

"Can't inform M or H for obvious reasons and I need to somehow get A and V in the same room together."

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