Blood Renegades trivia

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Heyo, as the name says, this is a trivia thingy for Blood Renegades, on it are gonna be random bits of trivia of the story, doing this cause the story is nearing its end and well, I wanna share some stuff from its long ass journey with you all.

The main inspo for Blood Renegades actually came from Just Cause 3 when I was playing that game during the lockdown in 2020 and after gaining that inspo, things slowly fell into place, with multiple drafts and stuff like that until December 24th 2021 when the final prologue for Blood Renegades released to the public.

Speaking of earlier drafts, in some of them, the story had a much, much, much darker tone than it did in the final one with it covering stuff such as torture and suicide, however, I felt that those would be crossing the line that the final story delicately treads along.

Before I decided on a novel, there were two other forms for the story thrown around with one being a visual novel and the other being a full-on game, Both ideas were scrapped pretty early on, and all that remains are some concept art and plot outlines which if I can find, I'll put on the document.

One idea that's kept coming back to me over and over, even during the writing and releasing of the final story is a Twitter prologue story dealie set not too long before the events of the story itself, showing how the rebellion came to be, I keep scrapping it however because I cannot be arsed to create multiple throwaway email addresses.

If there's one character I would personally like to see a plushie of (Bootleg or not) it's without a doubt, Seth, (Hey, any plushie makers, hit me up :3).

Internally (To myself), private documents and to friends, I refer to Seth as "Sethy-Boi" Why? I have no idea.

The idea of the finale having Edalbire being thrown into chaos came from a different game: "Bully: Scholarship Edition" with its final mission having Bullworth Academy being thrown into chaos by it's antagonist, however for obvious reasons, the Blood Renegades version is a lot more violent then the Bully version.

Pretty early on, before CF entered the picture, I had actually planned for Gothboy to be a traitor working for Seth, however that idea was scrapped when CF came into the fray.

For anyone wondering who or what CF is...I ain't saying, just know that they play a major role in BR2 :3

An idea regarding Gasmask that was scrapped early on was actually having her be killed off after a violent mission that the rebellion was on and rather brutally, I do however have her death written down in a document as it's one of the only ultra early ideas to actually make it to a document phase.

Will I release it? I don't know yet, right now only close friends have seen it.

I was originally gonna use a bloodhound for the logo of the rebellion due to the violent name but after looking up reference images, I decided against it due to how cute and wholesome they are.
(Seriously, look up images of bloodhounds, those good doggos are too wholesome to be used for a violent rebellion)

The sexualities of the characters are intentionally vague because I want people to be able to headcanon their own sexualities onto the characters without fear or risk of breaking the canon, so if you want to make Hockface a lesbian and Gothboy pansexual then go right ahead, aside from MAPs, all sexualities are welcome.

The planning for the sequel actually started while BR1 was partway through its writing phase.

The idea to make the six rebellion survivors CF agents came pretty late into the production, hell initially the ending wasn't even supposed to tie into the sequel, instead, it was originally planned with the survivors also being executed.

When writing the chapters to help me focus, I had music in the background and during that time, I often listened to music that helped fit with the context of the scene, so for example:
During the castle raid in Judgement Day, one song I had on a loop was "Death Egg Robot Phase 2" from the Sonic Forces OST.

However, sometimes I listened to songs that did not fit at all, like during the final showdown, sure I did have some final showdown music on, however, I also played Vamos A Carnaval.
If you wanna know just how out of place that is:

A scrapped idea for the raid and some of the missions I had was inspired by the game Split/Second: Velocity in that both rebellion and Seth's soldiers could press a button to destroy certain things at will, and tbh, I honestly don't remember why I scrapped it.

The part right at the start of Judgement Day where the rebellion's silhouettes are on the TV's in Edalbire was inspired by Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal (not going to explain how cause of spoilers for that game, but if you know, you know).

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