Judgement Day: 00:00-06:00

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A few minutes past midnight, in the rebel briefing room, every rebel is there waiting for orders from the team leaders, despite that though, they're the only ones there, the leaders aren't anywhere to be seen and as such, there's idle chatter going on between the rebellion.

Outside the fires can be smelt from inside the briefing room, causing some rebels to cover their noses, along with those, the sound of constant glass shattering all over the place is heard, with some bits of debris even hitting the windows of the base.

Along with those, really loud cars are heard speeding past as well as sirens from all three emergency services, even if one of them is in Seth's pocket, there's no two ways around it, Edalbire is in full chaos.

"Did you see that broadcast a few minutes ago?"

"Shit, Alot of us are gonna be dead."

"I know but it'll be worth it for those who survive, haven't you ever seen any rebellion stories?"

"Yeah, the rebellion always wins, but this isn't a story, this is real life."

"Ok, I'll give you that one."

More idle chatter like that keeps happening until the leaders:


All walk into the room together, Once they are there, everyone shuts up to let them speak.

Hockface starts speaking first.

"Right, listen up, no doubt by now that you've all seen the broadcast that we made, well tonight we strike at the heart of all this."

"As per usual, you are going to be split up into different teams, I will be leading the flanking team, Gothboy here will be leading the front strike team, Gasmask will be leading the assassination team and Vetry will be leading the strategy team."

"For those in my team, we are going to be going around the back of the castle and raiding from there, there should be an entrance around the back, however, The King is smart, so it'll very likely be heavily guarded."

"Once we find the entrance, we first make our way to where he kept Science Lab and rescue him, after which, we'll make our way to the throne room for the final showdown, any questions?"

A random rebel puts their hand up.

"Yeah, one: Where's Proto?"

"That, i'm not sure about, however, it's probably best that it's in hiding right now, anymore questions?"

No more questions for the time being.

"Right, who's going next?"

Gothboy steps forwards.

"We're going to be storming in straight through the front and killing any robots we see along the way, much like the back, we also expect the front of the castle to be heavily guarded, once we're inside however, we will be rendezvousing with the Flank team."

"Any questions?"

No questions.

"Okie dokey, who's next?"

Gasmask steps forwards.

"Right, our team will be split into four:
Group A will be with the flank team

Group B will be with the front strike team

Group C will be taking the left side of the castle with me


Group D will be taking the right side of the castle, however, as the name implies, you need to assassinate any enemies that the other teams miss or in the case of C and D, we'll be sticking in the shadows and assassinating the enemies."

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