Judgement Day: 18:00-23:00

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Hope was just standing there, her sword in her brother's arm and him screaming out in pain, once he had screamed enough, he takes her sword and points it at her brother's neck again, and to make sure he can't pull some bullshit, she proceeds to stand on his legs with some extreme pressure.

"You accept defeat? Seth Kingston?"

An evil smirk creeps onto his face, along with a quiet laugh, despite him still being in agonising pain.

Not a second after that laugh, he is able to brace himself for what's about to come, as Hope gets ready to swing her sword to slice off his head.

Much to her surprise, Seth is able to grab Hope's wrists with his free arm and as such, he pulls her off him, to her surprise, he's able to throw her to the ground.

"You forgot one thing Hope..."

He is saying this as he's applying a faux bandage from a part of his blazer that was ripped off earlier in the fight.

"...You forgot that I'm ambidextrous, sure, my right arm is now perma out of commission, but my left arm is still intact."


The two start clashing swords again, this time with Seth's sword being on the opposite side of what it was before.

"Do you not have any bullshit hidden up your sleeve?"

"I can't help it if I actually came prepared for this fight and you just came with your weapons."

"You see, the thing is, yes offensive is important but so is defence, especially for a rookie like you."

While the extremely condescending tone from her own brother did piss her off, the thing that ultimately pushed her over the edge...again is him calling her a rookie, although he didn't know this, one of the things not to call Hope is rookie.

She attempts to stab him in the stomach again, forgetting about the armour that's there and as such, Hope is sent flying back again.

Seth walks to her lying against the wall and sighs.

"You know, I could swear you were smarter than that...or did you let your leadership role get to your head?"

Before she can do anything, he steps on the hand that's holding the sword and rubs it with his foot, causing it to bleed and making her unable to grab anything with it.

To stay on the safe side and not want her to do what he did, he does the exact same thing with her other hand and as such, she is now unable to grab the sword at all.

Once her hands have been subdued, he walks a bit further into the room and starts speaking.

"You know Hope, from the day you left, all the way today, I always thought that someday you'd step foot inside this castle."

"Hell, I'm honestly very surprised that your rebellion didn't figure out your true identity."

He goes back to her, bends down and grabs her chin.

"You could see it from space, the legendary Hockface was in reality, the rightful heir to Edalbire."

She responds, however she is in excruciating pain right now due to the hand thing Seth just did.

"So you admit it then...you admit you committed regicide and usurped the throne?"

"No? I didn't mention regicide, although now that you bring it up..."

He lifts her by the back of the head and takes her straight to the window, which he proceeds to smash.

Once it's smashed, he holds her by her collar and dangles her out the window, with heavy winds making their way into the throne room, causing Seth's balance to wobble, however, he is able to stay standing.

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