Judgement Day 12:00-18:00

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An hour after being sent out in the tank, the rebel that was in the tank comes back, not only with the machine but also a bunch of supporters of the course.

"How did you- Never mind, let's go."

They jump out of the tank and walk into the castle, rather than splitting up and taking different paths, Hoping to find Hockface, no-one knows where she is...or so they thought.

Although they can't see it, A broadcast starts that they are able to hear and a voice on it sounds familiar.

"Seth Kingston, your time is up, surrender now or DIE!"

There's no mistaking it, that's Hockface, everyone there wondered, however...what was she doing in the throne room in the first place?

Instead of saying anything to each other, everyone who went inside the castle goes back outside to take a look at the broadcast and lo and behold, Hockface is there, standing in front of Seth.

The two have their weapons pointed at each other: Hockface a pistol and Seth a sword.

"Oh my dear sweet Hockface, ain't that a kick in the teeth? You come all this way and just expect me to give up the throne?"

A very cocky snicker can be heard coming from Seth.

"If you want it then...."

Seth gets in a fighting pose, he's ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Then come and take it from my cold, dead hands!"

And with that, the two start duking it out, the riots in Edalbire have stopped and by extension the entire country, to watch this fight, along with those, the news helicopters broadcasting the events of today are just pointing their cameras at the various monitors all over the country.

Everyone watching knows full well just what's at stake here but only two people know truly what's completely at stake.

And that's the two fightings, to make it fair, Hockface dropped her gun and got a sword she grabbed on her way there, causing the two to fight melee instead of ranged v melee.

Seth is able to kick Hockface away causing her to fall back onto a wall.

He goes in to stab her, however, she's able to get back up and deflect, thus kicking him in the balls really hard.


Knowing that he can't afford to let them recover, the two run to each other and clash swords again, multiple times.

"You just had to persist, didn't you? You couldn't just let things go on as they were!"

"No matter what, I couldn't, you killed hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people, you're not human any-more, you're just a fucking monster!"

He manages to kick her away again.

"Me, a monster? HA! That's rich coming from you."

Snarling can be heard coming from under Hockface's mask.

"No, I'm not a monster, I'm a leader!"

"Well, too bad, 'cause in the eyes of my subjects down there, you're the monster and i'm the hero the world needs."


The two start clashing swords again.

"Hey, look on the bright side, at least I do have just a small amount of respect for you."

"HA! Yeah right, you don't have any respect for anyone, hell you even killed your own guards, that's not respect, that's just throwing away the ruined lives of people!"

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