Chapter 5: Unwavering Belief

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The briefing room; usually a peaceful place filled with rebels that's getting their next mission, not this time however...this time, it's filled with people going batshit insane over the news that Hockface just gave them..."Science lab was kidnapped? Surely it had to be some sort of joke right? Are we being bulshitted right now?" All those and more were some of the things each rebel was saying in-between all of the commotion.

"Everyone quiet" Hockface says with her voice raised, although slightly muffled due to the hockey mask, however no-one was able to hear her so she lifts the mask up slightly, to the point where her mouth is no longer covering it and repeats that with her voice more clearer.

Once she says that with a clearer voice, the room goes quiet and everyone focuses on Hockface.

"Thank you." She says as she breathes a sigh of relief. "Like I said, Science Lab has been kidnapped and now we have no leads on who did it and I know some of you are more than likely already getting ready to accuse the three new recruits, however there is no evidence pointing towards them and I don't want anyone planting any because of their past." She says in a stern voice.

"But it's obvious that they did it!" One of the rebels shouts, it's impossible to tell what they look like because of the dirt bike helmet and dark tint over their face, however clothes wise, they are wearing the usual equipment the rebels wear when they go out on missions.

"NO!" Hockface shouts. "That's exactly what I mean, blindly accusing without evidence isn't going to help anyone at all and for all we know, it could be someone very different; those three might not even be involved at all." She responds.

"Wait, Hockface, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Megan responds in surprise as she walks into the room.

"Yep, that's right...i'm saying that there may be a traitor among us....I swear, if someone makes that very fucking obvious joke..." Hockface replies in a stern tone and with a straight face, it's clear that she's being serious about the possibility of there being a traitor.

"Hehe, sus" A random rebel says quietly so that only those right next to them can hear and upon hearing their friend say that, the few rebels who could hear it laugh quietly.

After which, everyone the entire room starts speaking loudly again and everyone is talking all over each other.

"QUIET!!!" Hockface shouts again and as such, the entire room shuts up.

"Thank you" She says in relief, now as I was saying yes there is a traitor in our midst, however we have no idea who it is so don't go around swinging wild accusations, once there's enough evidence and we know who it is, i'll deal with them accordingly, the last thing we want is for this to get out because if it does then we can A: Say goodbye to the Blood Renegades and B: Say goodbye to our ultimate goal of putting the rightful queen on the throne" Hockface says in a stern voice. "Do I make myself clear?" She asks, in a starting to get annoyed type voice.

"YES MA'AM" every rebel in the room shouts as loud as they can.

"Good, right now we need to get ready for the next operation: Breaking Science lab out of the King's castle and bringing him back here so we can get ready for the final raid on the castle." Hockface mentions in an annoyed tone.

"So because of that, we need to split all of you up into teams again." She continues in the same tone.

"So, those of you who are good at full frontal attacks, please go to the right of the room, those who are best at strategizing please go to the centre and those who are best at sneaking and being stealthy please go to the left of the room, you'll each have your own team leaders who'll explain your missions, so I am gonna be the leader for the full frontal team, Gasmask will be the leader for the stealth team and Vetry here will be the leader for the strategizing team."

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