Chapter 4

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Tony Stark's POV


The journey was around an hour long and we still haven't arrived there yet. During the whole drive, Peter found out about Aphmau's heritage. Let's just say, he couldn't speak without stuttering for a good while.

He was so scared that he would say something and anger her.

But, he was fine after she told him that it wasn't easy to anger her and that she could take a joke.

As we started to drive through a residential area, Aphmau lifts her head up and looks outside.

"Hey, aren't we in Phoenix Drop?" she suddenly asks.

Happy looks at her through the rear view mirror and nods. "The place we're going is just outside of Phoenix Drop."

"Nice! Drop me off at home on the way back then. I want some of mamá's food." she says with excitement.

"Same." Loki mumbles as he looks up from his phone.

She then picks her phone up and texts someone. Probably telling Sylvana that she is going to come over in a while.

After another 20 minutes of random chatter and Aph and Peter exchanging numbers, we arrive that the place.

Stepping out, I see that it was a lone building in the middle of the forest.

Not sketchy at all....

I look over at Aph to see that she had just looked over at me, with the same face. We just sigh and follow Fury's lead and walk into the building.

Inside looked like a typical office building. Front desk with a receptionist and seats scattered all around for people waiting for their appointments.

Fury walks over to the receptionist and whispers something to her. She nods and steps out from behind her desk, indicating for us to all follow her.

We walk through a door into a meeting room and then through another door into a storage room. She then walks right to the back. Where the hell are we going?

She finally stops in front if some shelves and presses a button which was hidden on the side. With a small whir, the shelves move aside to reveal a thick steel door. Once she scanned her hand again the touch pad, a ping rings out and the doors groan open.

Taking a small glance inside, all I see is a staircase leading down into a pit of darkness. Dark neon blue lights illuminate the opening and bass boosted music can be felt through the walls.

I look over at Aph to see she a look of realisation wash over her face.

"Wait..... really?!"

He looks over at her with her his eyebrow raised, seeing if she actually knew where we were, "Yeah, excited?"

"HELL YEAH!" she squeals out as me and Loki give each other a worried look.

The woman moves aside and with a small nod, she leaves us to walk down. Fury walks down first with Aph following right behind him. After Loki, Peter and I walk in, the door slams shut behind us.

I guess there is no turning back.

The further down we get, the louder the music gets. You could practically feel the music vibrate through you, and it looks like Aph was enjoying this.

He eyes were light up with mischief and excitement she asks Fury some questions which were being drowned out by the music.

As we reach the bottom, the music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think. The floor vibrated from the bass and made my insides vibrate along. Looking straight ahead, the whole room was like a nightclub. Checkered flooring, neon lights and sights everywhere, black seats lined the walls with random stools scattered around.

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