Chapter 8

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Aphmau's POV

As soon as he says go, I lift up the flaps and take a look at the contents. There was a small note which I quickly pocketed but other than that, there was just the parts for whatever I was building.

"No instructions?" I ask uncle Stark as I tilt the contents out onto the table.

He shakes his head with an evil grin on his face. "Nope, good luck."

"Damn you." I mumble under my breath as I scatter the parts around to get a better look at everything.

I spot a soldering iron and quickly plug it in, knowing that I'm most definitely going to be using it.

There was quite a bit of purple and gold plating, which looked like it could go on top of something to cover it.

Still looking around, I spot a bare endoskeleton, in the shape of a mini human. It had a wire for legs, arms and torso with a couple other wires bulking it out a little.

That's when it hit me.

I quickly start separating the exoskeleton parts and put them back in the box to save space. Pulling out my tools, I get to work.

I strip the excess plastic off wires, with the stripper and join them together. I create all the mobile joints and make sure that they actually work.

I wind the wires around the endoskeleton, making it bulk out and form a more human look. Testing the circuit out I make sure that there were no faults with it and then connect it to a proper power source, a mini arc reactor.

"How long do I have left?" I quickly ask uncle Stark, who was having the time of his life talking to James.

He stops his conversation to briefly check the timer. "20 minutes."

I nod and carry on with making sure everything was correct. As I jolt a little energy through the leg, it twitches before exploding.

I quickly jump back and fan away the smoke as everyone starts to quietly laugh. It was not too damaged and there was not much smoke coming from it so I quickly fixed the problem; a mis - connected wire.

Fixing the problem, I try again. This time it woke perfectly. Once I had checked all of the joints, I press the arc reactor in the middle, making all the limbs jolt.

"This is actually quite morbid." I say, a little freaked out as everyone bursts out laughing again.

To be honest, I think the class has just stopped working and we're just watching me go against the clock.

After a final once over, I tilt the box upside down and spill the rest of the contents out.

The tumble out and land in a noisy pile. Placing them around the areas they go in, I finally realise something.

"How the hell am I suppose to attach this without a blow torch?" I ask uncle Stark as I lift up my goggles, who had also just realised the same thing.

He mumbles some curses under his breath before realising something else. "Good thing I carry a mini one." he finally says as he pulls it out of his pocket and chucks it in my direction.

I look at him with a absolutely confused look. "Why the hell do you carry a mini blow torch with you? "

"Your running out if time. Work now, ask later." he orders as I roll my eyes.

I just flick my goggles back on and light up the torch "And I don't even have proper protection. I feel betrayed."

"How is this betrayal?" I hear uncle Stark ask me in an amused tone.

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