Chapter 14

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Aphmau's POV

The walk to the restaurant was not long, but with a humongous unicorn plush (which is practically the same size as me) on your back, mixed with Pheonix Drop weather, it was hell.

Thankfully, half way there Garroth offered to hold it for me. I gladly accepted his offer. Him, Laurence and Dante took turns in holding Gerald, making sure that he (or she) doesn't touch the ground.

We finally arrive at the restaurant and walk in. The small dinky bell chimes, as the door swings open. It wasn't a really fancy place, but it wasn't run down either. The perfect place for a casual lunch.

I give Peter my order as I grab my plush and make my way to the second floor, where the seating for bigger groups of people were. I grab one of the booths and place Gerald down.

Soon, one by one, everyone makes their way upstairs and to the booth I got us.

It was a good thing I came up when I did, rush hour is starting and many other customers had come up and taken booths and tables for themselves and their company.

We make light conversation as we wait for our food to be cooked and served.

"Oh yeah, who paid for my food?" I ask as remember giving someone else my order, not having the chance to do it myself. I rummage through my bag for my purse.

"No one tell her." I hear, who I presume was Dante, lousily whisper. "If we a stay quiet and ignore her, she might forget."

I raise my eyebrows at them all as the quicy avert their eyes from me.

"Why do you guys have to be so stubborn?" I ask, realising that I'm not gonna get anywhere with these people.

"We learnt that from you." Vylad replies without skipping a beat.

Wait what?? "No you didn't!" I exclaim. What a load of bullsh-

"YES YOU DID!" They all reply without a second thought.

I sink into my seat with a sheepish smile. "Whoops?"

They all roll their eyes in amusement at my response before starting a different conversation.

20 minutes later, our food arrives and we all grab out chopsticks and dig in. Well most of us grab the chopsticks, Travis and Garroth grab forks. Those two definitely do not know how to use chopsticks.

Long story short, we had come here before and those two spent 30 agonising minutes trying to pick up a piece of their food with their chopsticks. It was painful to watch and in the end, Katelyn got mad and snapped their chopsticks in half and then threw forks at them.

They will never live that down, like ever.

On that topic, Dante decided it would be a great idea to bring it up.

"And then Katelyn nearly stabbed them with it!" he exaggerates, talking about the broken chopsticks.

She rolls her eyes at him whilst defending herself. "I wasn't going to stab them."

"You looked like were gonna destroy them, Katelyn." I giggle, making her send one of her death glares at me.

If looks could kill, I'm telling you everyone in the table would be 10 feet under. She is one scary woman, almost as scary as ma, and that's something.

I shake off her glare and carry eating as I steal one of Aaron's dumplings and shove it on my mouth before he can steal it back.

I hear him mumble something on the lines of 'damned woman' but I shrug it off and give him a smile, with my mouth full of his food. He raises one eyebrow at me before going back to his food.

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