Chapter 11

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The week quickly passes and the one week break, which indicates half a semester has gone.

Like I had planned, I went on my missions and got back just before the last weekend to spend time with Mamá. But before I could go home, I had to sneak into SHIELD and talk to Nick. I also somehow managed to drag along a friend.

As I was driving home, we blast up music and sing along to the lyrics, well that was until my phone rang.



Aph! When are you getting back?!

Lucinda? Oh, um I'm making my back home right now.

Okay, great.

See ya in a bit.



But before I could question anything, she ends the call. I look over at him and we give each other questioning looks.

"I'm scared." I mumble as he nervously laughs.

Not taking any chances, I click my fingers to change my outfit of a leather jacket, black crop top, ripped jeans and heels into my purple crop top, shots and knee high socks.

"I will never get used to that." he mumbles out in amazement.

"You will eventually." I laugh as we carry on our journey.

We soon drive into Mamá's neighbourhood and I see her house from a far. But what I didn't expect was a group of people sat out on the porch.

"That's what she meant." I mumble as he hums in response.

As I drive closer, the noise of my care makes them all look up. They all have looks at my car in recognition. Everyone except Lucinda and Kawaii-chan.

I park in front of the garage door and step out, pushing my sunglasses back.

"Sup losers." I say as I slam the door shut, causing everyone to burst out into piles of laughter.

Zane, Vylad, Dante, Travis, Lucinda and Kawaii-Chan were sat in the purch whilst Katelyn, Garroth and Laurence were leaning on the supporting pillars. Aaron was close by with his bandana on, leaning on a tree.

He also steps out the car and looks over at everyone and gives them an awkward wave.

"Oh, guys this is Peter. He is also one of Mr Stark's interns. I dragged him along." I say, introducing him to the gang.

Everyone quickly introduced themselves as I pulled our bags out of the trunk. I throw Peter his backpack and sling mine over my shoulder.

"Ma knows about this, right?" I ask them as I make my way to the front door.

"Yeah, mom rang her before we all got here." Vylad tells me as I open the door.

"¡Hola mamá!" I call out as I walk in.

"Bienvenido de nuevo a mi hija." she calls out from the kitchen. (Welcome back my daughter.)

I walk over to and give her a hug and kiss on the cheek whilst everyone else walks in shouting their own greetings. Mamá replies back with a small laugh and everyone lumps on to the couches.

"Um, so what are we doing?" I ask them taking a seat in between Lucinda and Katelyn.

They all look over at me with blank looks. "Uhhh... Kawaii-chan, why are we here again?" Travis asks her, voicing everyones thoughts.

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