Chapter 6

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Sylvana's POV




I turn over and shut off the alarm on my phone and check the day and time, it was 6:30 am on Wednesday. Why am I up this early? I don't start work till later today.

With a yawn, I slowly sit up and grab my hair tie and gather all my hair together into a low pony tail. Slipping out of bed, I grab my robe and make my way over to the bathroom to do my business.

Once done, make my way downstairs to hear a faint thumping noise from downstairs.


Memories of yesterday wash over me.

Aphmau came home yesterday with a few others. That why I'm awake early, to make her breakfast.

After rubbing my eyes and a final yawn I make my way in the kitchen and pull out some ingredients.

I pull out a range of berries and fruits to make Aph a smoothie bowl whilst pulling out some eggs and bacon for the rest.

Not even 15 minutes later, Fury, Tony and Loki walk down the stairs, all still in their night attire. All three take a seat at the breakfast bar and yawn.

"Morning!" I greet them with a tired smile.

They all mumble back tired greetings and I ask them what they want to drink. They all answer with coffee and I pour them each a freshly brewed cup. Handing them the bottle of creamer and a bowl of sugar, I leave them to go back to cooking.

I place all of the fruits and berries in the blender before shutting it and then moving onto the bacon. Tossing in into the pan, I let it cook on one side before flipping it onto to the other.

"Where's Aph?" Stark soon asks, looking a little more alive.

But before I could answer, Loki says something. "I'm pretty sure she goes running in the morning, right?"

"She would, but I think she went before. She is downstairs. You can hear her killing that poor punching bag." I tell them with a little sympathy for the bag, making Tony and Loki slowly chuckle.

After taking the bacon out, the last 2 walk out of their rooms.

"The bathroom is over there and there is a packet of new toothbrushes in there if you don't have yours." I quickly tell them before starting the blender.

They both nod before Peter makes his way into the bathroom first. Not long after, he comes out and Happy walks in after.

As I hand him a cup of coffee, he thanks me whilst taking a seat across from Tony. As Happy walks out of the bathroom, I hand him a cup and ask one of the guys to go get Aph.

Fury nods and places his mug down before making his way to the basement. As he opens the door the sound of thumping and Aph's laboured voice became louder.

As soon as the door closes, the noise was almost non existent.

"What was that?" Happy asks.

"Aph," answers with a sip of his coffee. "She usually works out in the morning."

After bowling up her breakfast, I add on some other berries and granola to finish it off right as they both appear out of the basement.

Aphmau was wearing her work out attire, consisting of sweatpants, trainers and a sports bra. Her hands were still wrapped, but she was starting to take the tape off.

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