Chapter 12

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Aphmau's POV

" Weren't you guys supposed to hang the white sheet up?"


The boys all look at each other with eyes as big as the moon.

I just roll my eyes. "Of course you forgot."

"Great going guys." Katelyn adds on.

"The sheets are here." Mamá points next to her where a pile of sheets were folded. "I was wondering when someone would notice."

Mamá just has an amused look on her face whilst I slam my head against the counter top.

I take a deep breath before grabbing a small bag of skittles. Ripping the bag open, I spill the whole packet into my mouth and eat them.

With my mouth full of skittles, walk into the garage and grab some rope before grabbing the sheets and making my way to the back.

I throw one end of the rope to Vylad as I hold the other end. Swallowing the last of the skittles, I tell him to climb up oen tree whilst I climb up the other.

We securely fasten the rope on the branchs, making sure it was tight before making our way down. I make all of the boys work together to hang the thick white sheet up as I open a big packet of skittles and eat handfuls at a time.

I sit in the steps of the back door and guide the guys who were in the trees, on step ladders and on the ground.

"TO THE LEFT AARON. TO THE LEFT." I scream out as I throw a couple of skittles at his head.

They all hit him as he gives me a dark look.

"I AM!" He screams back.

I throw more skittles at his stupid head. "NO, THAT'S RIGHT. TO MY LEFT, JERK."

He grumbles as everyone bursts out laughing.

"Aph's on a sugar rush guys." Dante calls out as he moves his camera towards my chipmunk cheeks filled with skittles.

"I AM NOP." I answer with a full mouth.

"Sure Aph." he answers with a roll of his eyes.

I roll my own eyes before looking the the progress. They were more or less done. I run up and jump onto Laurence's back, making him stumble forward but he catches himself.

"Great job guys!" I say with a bright smile.

"Except you Aaron. You were horrible," I throw more skittles at him. "Learn your right from left."

"Maybe learn how to give instructions first before anything else, you potato." he sasses back.

"I know how to give instructions!" I say crossing my arms

He rolls his eyes from under his mask. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Your dead body might." I say with a devious smile.

"Damn Aph, kinky much?" Laurence comments with a Sly undertone.

My face burns bright red, making everyone burst out laughing. "Shut it Laurence!" I shove some skittles into his mouth before jumping off his back.

"Okay, yeah too many skittles." Garroth says as he reaches for the packet in my hand.

I step back and shove more in my mouth "No! Not enough skittles!"

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