I need your help

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        I was walking around the school slowly already 10 minutes late for class. Deciding I don't want to go, I walk to the back of the school and into the forest till I saw the shed. I went inside and grabbed a smoke. I put it in my mouth and inhaled. I felt hands wrap around my waist and smelt a familiar sent. I grabbed one of his hands and flipped him over my shoulder in one swift motion. I placed my hand on his neck and my foot on his gut. I looked at his face and saw the one and only Victor Marx. I blew the smoke in his face then let go of him and sat down on a chair.

"What do you want?"

"I need your help"

"And why would I help you"

"Because I can tell the whole school something"

"Which is?"

"What Cain McMalin did to you?"

"You wouldn't"

"Oh but I would and you know it"

"What do you need help with?"

"Well as you know i'm part of the blood thirsty gang" I nodded my head. "And I want out" He said making me laugh.

"It's impossible to get out. They will kill you if you even think about leaving"

"I know that why I need your help"

"Why can't any of your friends help you"

"They're part of the gang"

"Ok well how can I possibly help you?"

"Are you still a hacker?"

"The best in California"

"I need you to hack in their system"


"So we can take them down!"

"Let me get this straight. You want me to help you get out of your gang, and hack into their system just so the two of us can take them down while I risking my life and everyone I love lives too?

"When you put it that way.....yes"

"I'll think about it, but" I looked at my phone "I got to go"

"Where you going?"

"None of your business" I said before walking away from him. I got on my bike and drove to my special place.

The Street Fighter and the Gangbangerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن