Memory Loss

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I woke up not knowing where I was and why I was here. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. It looked like some type of hospital. Why would I be at a hospital? A few minutes or so someone barged into the room. I looked up when lips smashed into mine. He pulled away and hugged me tight.

"Gosh, I love you so much. I'm so happy your awake. I -"

"Who are you?" I asked slightly pushing him away.

"What?" He asked with sad eyes

"I'm sorry but do I know you?"

" you mean you don't know who I am?"

"I'm sorry"

"Uh um, I'll be right back."

He ran out the room quickly. I felt bad I don't remember him. I would be sure to remember a beautiful face like his. My mind replayed when he said he loves me and misses me. I didn't go anywhere, did I? Soon the doctor came in.

"Ms.Rose it has come to my attention that you can't remember who this young man is. Now do you mind telling me the date?"

"I don't know"

"How old are you?"


"where were you born"


"Any siblings"


"Okay it's not that bad but we'll have to run some test on you just in case. Mr.Marx I'll call you back in when we're done."

After the test, the guy from earlier came in. He sat next to me with red eyes like he was crying.

"I'm sorry," I said looking at him

"About what?"

"Not remembering you. I'm trying real hard to remember but I can't"

"It's fine. It's not your fault"

"Do you think... you can help me. You know like remember. Or at least tell me why I'm here?"

"Yeah. Well, you see I am or was part of this gang and you were helping me get out. I went out to get a few things and when I came back you were gone. I got a note and they took you. They did this to you. I got people and fought against them to get you back. This whole thing was my fault and I'm sorry. I never meant for you to get hurt." He had tears running down his face.

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself"

"I thought I lost you" He got up and hugged me. I jumped from the tingles and he noticed because he pulled away quickly. "Did I hurt you?"

"No" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him "I may not remember you or what we had but I'm willing to start new"


"Good new" The doctor said bursting in "It minor memory loss she should get it back in a couple days"

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