I dare you

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"Victor, Victor, victor, victor, VICTOR"
"What" he groan
"I'm hungry"
"Then go get it"
"And why should it. Your monthly thingy finished, you should be able to get yourself food"
"Don't you love me?"
"Then get me food"
"That makes no sense"
"It doesn't but my hunger does and I need food" i whine
He sigh "fine what do you want"
"What food do you want?"
"Ok" he jumped out of bed and went downstairs. I smiled happily and reached for my phone. It was 9:43 p.m not that late, thankfully.
Not long, Victor came back with grilled cheese.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you!"
I picked the sandwich up and took a bite out of it. I moan from its deliciousness.
"You made this?"
"This is so good"
"It's just grilled cheese"
"But better"
"Oh and later, not today or whatever but can you get me something"
"Sure, what is it"
"I need a new flash drive. Here's the money for it"
"No keep the money. I got you"
"No take it"
"Fine I'll take it but I won't use it"
"That's fine"
"I'll go now I have to get food anyways"
"Okay, have fun"
"I won't"
He slip on a shirt and shoes. When I heard the front door I let out a sigh. I closed my eyes and pulled the covers higher on me. Slowly I was falling asleep when a hand covered my mouth. My eyes snapped open to see a guy in a black hoodie. It was to dark to see his face though. I struggled against him and eventually blacked out from lack of oxygen.

my eyes flutter open then closed again from the light. I blinked a couple of times before seeing clearly. I looked around and could only move my head. I look down and saw I was tide to this wooden thingy. My arms were tied and so were my legs, so I was close to standing. I heard the door open then slam close. I look into the darkness to see someone step in the light surrounding me. It was the one and only Leo.
"Nice to see, sleeping beauty is awake"
"Why am I here?"
"Victor didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what"
"He was sent to get you and bring you to me. But as you can see he failed" my heart clenched and I felt like it broke it two. I don't know why but I felt tears surfacing.
"If he failed then why am I here now?"
"Because I got someone else to go and get you. As right now your dear boyfriend doesn't even know your missing"
"He's isn't my boyfriend" I said harshly "and why do you even want me"
"Isn't it obvious"
"If it was do you think I would be asking" I yelled irritated
"Shut up" he said before I felt a strong force hit my cheek, making my head move to the side. I look back to him and glared. " your here because you're the toughest street fighter out there. We need you to teach my rookies how to fight"
"And why would I do that"
"Then I'll kill you"
"Kill me then"
"And your father"
"Do it"
"And lastly Victor"
I hesitantly looked at him and said " I dare you"
"I will"
"Fine see if I care" I said looking calm when really I was hoping he doesn't do anything to Victor.

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