Flashed Memories

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I woke up to my head hurting, a lot. I looked around but didn't know where I was. I looked around and saw I was at a hospital. Memories flashed around in my head making it hurt more. I groan and held me head.


I looked up and saw Victor


He got up and left the room only to return a few seconds later with the doctor.

"Ms.Rose glad you're awake. Your friend here told me you're asking for medicine. May I ask why?"

"My head hurts"

"Very well then. I'll send the nurse on her way with it"

"Thank you"



"Where's my phone"


I unlocked my phone and looked at the text messages. I had one from Bill.

Hey Kase, had a match for you last night. Would've been big bucks. Text me when you get this.

That was last Thursday and today is Wednesday. Dang how long have I've been here.

"Where are Dylan and Matt?"


"Dylan and Matt. You know my best friends that are like my brothers"

"You remember them?"

"Yeah why not?"

"Oh my gosh. DOC!" He scream

"Quite will you, my head is still pounding here"

"What seem to be the problem?"

"She remembers"

"Ms.Rose do you remember why you're here?"

I thought for a second. Gun. Leo. I love you. Darkness.

"Yes, I was shot"

The Doctor nodded his head. "We'll run a few test and you should be going home in no time"

"Thank you"

Once the doctor left Victor came up and hug me tight.

"Gosh I miss you." I pushed him away from me.

"Why did you really get me to help you get out"

"Because I needed your help and needed to leave"

"Really? Or was it because you had to bring me to that Leo guy?"

"No. Yes I was supposed to bring you there but I wasn't going to. I was really trying to get out. I needed you close to me so I know you would be safe. I didn't want anything to happen to you. I love you and always had"

"I love you too" We were about to kiss when the door opened.

"Hey girl, hey" Amy said walking in with bags

"Hey Amy! What's in the bags"

"A couple things. First I got us food, then I have your stuff, and I also may have bought you new clothes."

"Thank you but why new clothes?"

"I was at the mall and saw stuff that would look amazing on you"

"Oh okay thanks"

"Victor go home" Amy said sitting on the chair he once sat on


"Come on you smell and I didn't get you food so scram"

"But I-"

"Victor just go. It's not like I'm going anywhere"

"Okay" He kissed my cheek "Take care of her"

"I will" Amy said once he left.

"So you and my brother?"

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