A step ahead

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        After I blew some steam off I drove to Victor's factory. I knocked on the door and it opened revealing a very shirtless Victor. When he saw my face he started apologizing repeatedly. I walked passed his and went upstairs. I sat down in my chair and logged on the computer.

"Kasey I'm really sorry, i-"

"Victor Shut up. There is no need for apologizing"

"...why did you come back"

"I figured if they already know who i am there's no point of me leaving."

        I looked at the security cameras and saw more people in the warehouse. I zoomed in and took pictures of their faces and printed it out. I told Victor to but the weak people on the bottom and the strongest people on the top. When he was done I looked at all the faces trying to remember each and every face. I turned back around and looked all of them up to search their names, age, and history. Victor suggested we take a break, I agreed. I quickly went to my house and packed some stuff before coming back and messed with Victor for a few hours.

"Come on Vicky we got work to go"

"Did you just call me Vicky?"

"Yes now get over it and get you ass up stairs"

I turned around and ran upstairs. We checked and few things and eventually fell asleep.




"Kase, come on"

        My eyes snapped open only to see Victor. I yawned and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into a tight blue crop top, black ripped high waisted shorts, blue converse, and a white leather jacket. I put my hair in a bun and did my makeup. I put on hoops and put my gun in the back on my shorts with my jacket covering it and the pocket knife in my bra. I quickly brushed my teeth before going back into the computer room. 

"So is this where you live"

"No....well technically"

"oh ok"

        I turn the computer on and got down to business. As I was working the screen froze then turned off. Seconds later it came back on but it had the words "We know who you are-Blood Thirst" popped on the screens. I quickly got on and started moving my fingers around the keyboard rapidly. After a few minutes everything went back to normal. I hacked into there system and saw they found where we were doing but they didn't know where we were. I kept typing and froze there computers . I put my hard drive in the computer and started downloading every file they had. It started to load and i must say slowly. While that download, I moved to a different computer and kept the frozen. When the downloading was done I erased everything they had and shut there computers off. When they come on they would be staying 

"I'm a step ahead of you- K" 

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