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"Wake up"
I didn't move
"Wake up"
I didn't move
"Wake up, you little bitch" I felt a punch in my face. My eyes snapped open to see Freddie. I opened my mouth and spit on my face
"You little bitch"
Another punch in the face
"Come on, Fred. You punch like my grandmother"
That made him punch me harder
"Is that all you got" I chuckled
He kept punching and kicking until the door slammed open and here came his father.
"Why are you wasting you energy on her"
"She wouldn't wake up and she said some things"
"Like what"
"That I punch like her grandmother"
"Are you disrespecting my son"
"Like your son deserves my respect "
"Mike" Leo yelled only for a big buff man to step in.
"Teach her a lesson"
"My pleasure sir"
Leo and Freddie left me with Buffy here. He had a big smirk on his face making me glare at him.
"What the fuck you smirking at?"
"I'm going to have fun with you" he said pulling out a knife.


I grabbed all the bags out of the trunk before shutting and locking it. I open the front door and yelled to kasey I was here. I put the stuff away and picked up the roses before going to our room. I slowly open the door to see she wasn't here. I check the bathroom and didn't see anyone. I was about to leave when I was a note on the nightstand. I picked it up and set the flowers on the bed.

Dear Victor,
Seems like you failed, so we brought her ourselves. Don't bother trying to save her, you know what will happen if you do. Hope you have a nice day!
From, Leo

After reading the note I growled and punched the wall, creating a hole. I took my cell out and called Tyler.
"What is it man?"
"They took her! We have to get her! I can't believe I left her, unprotected. Tyler what if they kill her! I won't be able to live with myself. You know I lo-"
"Dude calm down! We'll find her and she'll be safe, but before we do anything you have to calm down"
I sigh " your right"
"You calm now"
"Ok I'll be there in a few"
"Thanks man"
"Anything for you bro"

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