Chapter 1

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Aizawa honestly had no idea how he ended up in this situation.

Midoryia had come to him earlier asking if he could go to the store because one of the students had forgotten some things on the weekly shopping trip. Aizawa joined him just to make sure he didn't die, and the next thing he knows is that he is running down an alleyway with four legs, an injured kitten in his mouth and two angry villains chasing him. Just his luck.

Midoriya gave pitiful mewls every now and then, whimpering in pain. Aizawa knew he had to find some place safe for him, to treat his kid student and get back to UA and fast. Running out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk, Aizawa runs towards the general direction of UA, hoping to either find help or a safe place on the way. After a few minutes of running, he sees a café with the door open. Not caring if animals are allowed in or not, Aizawa runs inside and jumps onto the windowsill. The two villains that had been chasing him ran past them, disappearing the further they ran.

Slumping in relief, Aizawa carefully lays Izuku down, looking over the injuries. Small cuts littered his body with a broken right hind leg. The most concerning thought, is how skinny he looks. Aizawa could see the kid's ribs, even through his fur.

"Izuku?" Aizawa carefully nudges the kit on his cheek.

"'Zawa?" Izuku mumbles out, clearly disorientated.

"Yeah kid, I'm here. Do you think you can hold on until we get to UA?" He asks, an overwhelming feeling of protecting the kit coming over him.

"Y-yeah, I think so" With that, Aizawa carefully picks up the kit again, before running out of the café and towards UA. It took him longer than he would have wanted to, but at least they made it without running into any more trouble. Ignoring everyone that is in the hallways, Aizawa runs towards the infirmary.

When he gets there, he jumps onto one of the beds, laying down Izuku before curling around him. Meowing to get the Recovery girl's attention, he can only hope that she will connect the dots. One black cat with a scar under his eye, and a dark green and black kitten? She got to understand. She looks at him surprised for a moment before narrowing her eyes.

"Aizawa?" Thank god. Meowing in response, he looked towards the injured kit before looking back at her.

"It always has to be you, doesn't it, Midoriya." Recovery Girl sighted before looking over the kitten. Aizawa was sitting right next to him the whole time, feeling uneasy about leaving his kid students alone. After checking over the kit, she gives him a kiss.

"He's going to be fine. The cuts will be healed while he is asleep, but his right hind leg is going to take the rest of the day." Sighting in relief, Shota lays down behind the kit before curling around him. He starts to like the top of his head, cleaning the dirty and bloodied fur.

"I'm going to go get Nedzu and your husband" With that, Recovery Girl is out the door.

"You doin' ok Izuku?" Aizawa asks. The kit whines, pushing his face further into Aizawa's warm body.

"Tired", Izuku mumbles.

"Then sleep" Aizawa answers. "I'm not going anywhere."



Izuku is asleep not a minute later, soft purrs coming from his small body. Aizawa was lying awake, head lying over the kit, making sure he was ok. Aizawa is pretty sure the quirk did not only transform him and his students into cats, but made his instincts go haywire. For example, him being overly protective over his problem child, or how everything comes so naturally with walking, running, cleaning etc.

Aizawa was pulled out of his thoughts by the door opening.

Baring his fangs, he pulled his kit closer, hissing at however opened the door. He got up from his lying position, standing protectively over the kid that was still asleep. He had an injured kit to protect, after all.

"Shou?" Hizashi walked through the door, Nedzu and Recovery Girl right behind him. Aizawa stopped hissing, but still stood protectively over his kit.

"Well, this could become a little problem" Nedzu said.

"What do you mean?! Look at them! So cute and fluffy" Hizashi gushed over the two cats. Aizawa rolled his eyes, looking towards the rat/mouse/bear. He had no idea what it was.

"The problem is that they will be staying like this for 1-2 weeks. They can't protect themselves as well as they can in human form. With the league still out there and a class to protect, this is going to complicate things a bit." Recovery Girl stated.

"Well, I will send All Might to take over Aizawa's classes. He can cover for Aizawa the next week or two and also be able to protect the class." Aizawa did not like the idea of All Might teaching his class, but guess he has no other choice here.

"What are we going to do about Midoriya? Him living in his dorm is going to be difficult since he can't really make food and take care of himself like that", Hizashi asked. Aizawa pulled his kit closer again, baring his fangs at Nedzu and Recovery Girl. He was not leaving his kit by himself. He knew Hizashi wanted to keep a close eye on both of them as well, so there were no worries there.

"It looks like Aizawa here will take him in, if that is ok with you, Yamada?" Nedzu asked.

"Of course the little listener is welcome to stay in our dorm!" Hizashi answered enthusiastically. Not a surprise there.

"Very well! You are welcome to join the classes even though you can't participate in them Aizawa, same with Midoriya. With that, I don't think there is more to discuss. Have a good day!" With that, Nedzu was out the door, Recovery Girl not far behind. Hizashi sat down in a chair next to the infirmary bed.

"This is going to be great!" Hizashi exclaimed, petting the top of Aizawa's head. Aizawa ignored him, lying down and closing his eyes. With Izuku lying protected against him and Hizashi next to them, he could finally rest.

He really needed a nap.


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