Chapter 23

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TW! Izuku's drop continues

Summary in the end!

Tomura could only watch in horror as his sensei dragged Eraserhead out of the bar and towards the labs. He knew he couldn't do anything by himself, and Kurogiri could be controlled so easily. He turned around and was met by a racially horrified Dabi and Kurogiri, who was out of control.

"Kurogiri! What are you doing?!" Tomura screeched, taking a step back in shock. Dabi turned around too, shock evident on his face.

"I don't know!" Kurogiri answered, his voice different from before. It was like it was two voices in one. They watched as Kurogiri calmed down after a few minutes.

"Are you okay?" Dabi asked, walking over to the other man.

"Yeah, everything just triggered something" he answered, his voice back to normal. " But our first priority right now is to take care of him" Kurogiri stated, jerking his head towards the still shaking teen. Tomura walked over and bent down in front of the shaking teen.

"Izuku, can you tell me what's wrong so we can help?" Tomura asked, using Midoriya's first name to try and calm the greenette.

"D-d-dorp" Izuku whispered, fear seeping through his tone. Tomura turned towards the two others, confused.

"Do you know what he is talking about?" He asked. Dabi could only shake his head, but Kurogiri seemed to understand.

"The guy we hired to try and capture them. His quirk had side-effects and it seemed that Midoriya-kun had been affected by one of these side-effects. He needs physical contact", Kurogiri stated.

Tomura turned back around. He was silent for a moment before he let out a nervous breath.

"What if I use my quirk on the restraints. If we can get Izuku out first, we can focus on Eraser if- when he comes back", Tomura explained. Dabi looked hesitant, but nodded his head anyway.

Tomura hated what he had become after his Sensei that night all those years ago, and he knew that forgiveness was not anywhere in his future, but he could still not let this innocent teen come between the villains and heroes.

He let out a breath before he touched the restraints. They crumbled under his touch before the dust hit the floor.

"I'm going to get you down on the ground, ok?" He asked the teen in front of him. Izuku gave a weak nod in response.

Tomura lifted the teen carefully up from the chair and sat down near the bar. He placed Izuku down on his lap and held his small hand.

Izuku looked awful, to say the least. His face was white as a sheet, sweat covering his forehead and neck. His breath was uneven and raspy, coming out in small huffs. His entire body was shaking, weak and burning up. His cat ears were lying flat on top of his head in discomfort as his tail swayed lazily behind him.

"You're going to be okay, I've got you" Tomura whispered, cradling his hand through the messy hair. Dabi walked over to them and sat down, holding Izuku's other hand in an attempt to help the teen a bit more.

"We need to get them out of here" Dabi mumbled, looking at Tomura. Tomura knew that this was extra hard on Dabi, seeing as he had a brother the same age as Izuku. His big brother instincts were kicking in and he could see it in Dabi's eyes.

"I know. Do you have an idea?" The younger of the two asked. Dabi turned towards Kurogiri.

"What if we try and make you remember? Because of earlier today's experiences, you won't be under All For One's command if we can get you to remember the past. Maybe we can get out of here that way?" Dabi asked.

"That's a risky plan, Dabi. Even if you do get me to remember, it's not certain I will be able to use my Quirk anymore", Kurogiri explains.

"But could it work? We have to try something!" Dabi answered. "Eraser has already started the experiments and if we don't get the two out of here as soon as possible, we will lose them both."

"You are right", Kurogiri bowed. "How do you think we should do this?"

"It seemed like the human part of you reacted to Eraser and his panic. Maybe you knew each other before you were turned into a Nomu? We could start there?" Tomura said, looking thoughtful.

"Yes, indeed" Kurogiri confirmed. "When Eraserhead said that his family had lost someone, an image of a pair of broken goggles showed up in my memories. Same with the group name 'The Rooftop Squad'", he explained.

"That's a start!" Dabi exclaimed. "Okay, if we start with the goggles. What kind of goggles were they?"

Kurogiri looked thoughtful for a moment before answering.

"Uhm, they were kind of like Eraserhead's goggles, but smaller" he answered.

"Do you have a connection or a feeling when you think about them?" Tomura asked. He had no idea if this was going to work, but at least they were onto something.

"I have a feeling of happiness, a type that does not come from family or friends. The feeling of the need to protect," Kurogiri answered.

"Ok, what about The Rooftop Squad?" Dabi asked.

"I can see a blurry memory of two people. They were someone that meant a lot to me", he answered. Tomura thought for a moment, trying to wrap his head around the information.

"Ok, so the possibility that the goggles and this Squad are connected is high then" he thought out loud, still cradling the teen who now seemed to be calmer, but still un-verbal.

"Yes, I have a feeling that they are connected."

"Ok, can you try and remember if Eraser was one of those two people? You reacted badly earlier when he was taken", Tomura asked.

"I think so. It seemed like it was him and another. A blond, maybe?" Kurogiri numbered the last sentence.

"Blond... It's not All Might, is it?" Tomura grunted. If Kurogiri was friends with All Might, he wouldn't want Kurogiri to remember.

"No, no, not All Might. He was the same age as me, I think. He had green eyes", Kurogiri reassured. Tomura let out a breath of relief.

"Y-you're n-n-name is Oboro". A shaky voice spoke up. Green eyes looked up at the tree, unfocused but determined "Oboro Shirakumo"

Just like that, the fog around Kurogiri exploded into chaos.


Summary: Shouta is taken by All For One into the labs. Touya, Tomura and Kurogiri tries to remember Kurogiri past and Izuku chimes in with the name Oboro Shirakumo when his drop begins to become better.

New chapter! Hope you enjoyed:D Just wanted to inform that I will edit the story when I'm done. I do not read over when I'm done weighting, that is something I will do later!


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