Chapter 25

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Shouta woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. He groaned, slowly opening his eyes. He was met with the concerned eyes of his kit, green bangs slightly covering them. He was lying on the floor in front of the chair he was on when he first woke up.

"Dad?" Izuku asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm ok" Shouta whispered back, slowly taking his son's smaller hand. Izuku smiled wildly, gripping Shouta's hand a little tighter. He smiled weakly back before taking a deep breath. Shouta looked around, noticing the mess in the bar. Shigaraki was standing a few feet away from them, Dabi having a protective arm around the younger's shoulder. His eyes kept roaming the room before landing on a familiar figure.

Bright, familiar blue hair and that damn smile.

"Hey, Shouta", Said, who Shouta was pretty sure was Oboro.

"O-Oboro?" Shouta whispered, pushing himself up into a sitting position. Oboro smiled down at him before kneeling down, taking his hands.

"Sho" Oboro whispered back, his voice thick with tears. Before Shouta even knew what he was doing, he threw himself into the familiar arms of his childhood friend. Strong arms wrapped around his shaking form, slowly and carefully petting his head. It made Shouta's ears twitch a little. Not in discomfort, but the sheer relief of having Oboro back.

"You never stop giving me gray hairs, do you kit?" Shouta muttered, taking Izuku's hand again. Izuku giggled before joining the hug.

Shouta looked towards Shigaraki and Dabi. Both of them had small smiles on their faces, but Shouta could regencies the longing look in their eyes.

He sighed, opening his arms.

"C'mon, you two" Shouta said, making both of them smile. The next few minutes, there were the five of them hugging on the ground, both in relief and happiness.

"We should probably get out of here before they come back," Dabi said, breaking the silence.

"Do you have a plan?" Shouta asked, looking at the four of them.

"Yeah! Even though Oboro is back in his body, he still has the Quirk of Kurogiri. We can portal out of here" Izuku explained, eyes shining with hope.

"You guys should hurry. We don't know when Sensei is going to be back", Shigaraki said. He looked happy, but his eyes shined with sadness.

"What do you mean? You two are coming with us as well", Shouta answered, a stern look on his face.

"W-what?" Shigaraki answered, looking at a loss about what to think.

"Did you really think we were going to leave you two here?" Izuku asked, looking at both of them with wide eyes.

"Izuku, we're villains. We can't just walk out in public" Dabi answered, looking at Izuku in petty.

"We're going to solve that later. I won't let you get punished for something you can't control", Shouta answered, his instincts screaming at him to protect his new litter.

The thought of arresting someone abused and broken for something they didn't do doesn't sit right with Shouta.

"You can't possibly mean that! We've attacked your class and set your students'lives in danger!" Shigaraki whisper-shouted, clearly confused and angry that he didn't understand. Shouta couldn't imagine how hard it is to understand kindness after years of being beaten down and told he's worth nothing.

"We can talk about this later, but right now we have to get out of here, and you two are coming with us", Shouta said, leaving no room for discussion. Both Shigaraki and Dabi looked like they wanted to complain, but kept quiet.

" Ok" Dabi whispered, giving an incurring smile to the younger. Shigaraki nodded, smiling back.

"Ok, let's go" Oboro said, smiling down at them.


Hizashi sat on the couch with Hitoshi on his left and Keigo on his right. He was running his hands through Hitoshi's wild purple hair and Keigo's silky, red wings. It was the third night since Shouta and Izuku were kidnapped and the three of them had begun to spiral down and lose hope of finding their loved ones. Every vacant hero in the area has been out looking for them the last 72 hours with no luck.

Keigo had been out none stop the entire day and Hizashi had to force him home after almost 7 hours straight.

Hitoshi hadn't been out of the house if there was news about Izuku, and hadn't slept since the training camp. Hizashi had talked to the teen and had figured out that Hitoshi had been feeling guilty and felt like he could have done more when the camp was attacked. Hizashi had done everything in his power to comfort the teen, but he knew that the only thing that could help right now was getting Izuku and Shouta back.

Right now, the three of them were watching TV and soaking in the comfort of each other.

"Do you think we will find them?" Hitoshi spoke up, looking towards the two heroes.

"Yeah, I do. You never know, suddenly a clue will fall out of nowhere", Keigo joked, trying to lift the sour mood. Just as he finished the sentence, a familiar portal opened in the middle of the living room, only a light blue instead of a dark purple.

The three of them jumped to their feet, Hizashi shielding Hitoshi behind him. A second later, five bodies fell out of the portal and onto the living room floor.

There was Izuku, Shouta, Shigaraki, Dabi and someone shielded by the four other bodies, making it hard to see the last person. The three were standing in shock for a moment before they were tackled by two bodies. Izuku and Shouta tackled them into a hug, breaking them out of their shocked state. Soon, the reunited family were hugging each other tightly, Hizashi, Keigo and Hitoshi having tears streaming down their faces.


Izuku was held tightly by his family for minutes before they broke apart. His dad, papa and Keigo all hugged each other while Izuku almost ran over to Hitoshi and hugged the ladder. Hitoshi hugged him back tightly, petting his ear in comfort. Before he even knew what he was doing, Izuku felt Hitoshi's lips on his. The kiss was soft and gentle, both of them soaking in the feeling of being in each others embrace again. Izuku could feel Hitoshi's hands on his hips, his thumps stroking his hips carefully. It felt like forever and not long enough before they parted, foreheads together.

"I'm so glad you're ok" Hitoshi whispered, a single tear running down his cheek.

"I'm ok, I'm right here" Izuku whispered back, stoking his thumb over Hitoshi's cheek and carefully wiping the stray tear.

The moment was broken by Keigo, his wings puffing up protectively.

"What are you doing here?" Keigo growled towards Dabi, Tomura and Oboro.

"Hey, it's ok. They helped us escape" Dad hurried out, stopping Keigo from doing something stupid.

"O-Oboro?!" Papa screeched, looking wide-eyed.

"Hey, Zashi" Oboro smiled, walking over and bringing Hizashi into a tight hug.

"I don't mean to break the moment or anything, but I think we should get you Izuku and Shouta to the hospital", Tomura said, gaining the attention of the room.

"Are you hurt?!" Hizashi, Keigo and Hitoshi all called out in alarm.

"I think we all need a trip to the hospital right now" Izuku answered, giving a tired smile.


Summary: Izuku, Shouta, Touya, Tenko and Oboro escape!

Kit (Dadzawa)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ