Chapter 6

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As Shouta expected, when lunch rolled around, the students began to focus on the two cats again. Izuku was lying against his chest now, playing with a loose string he had found in the sleeping bag. Izuku had calmed down a little after his nap, and had been looking at the students or playing with the strings up until now. Shouta could see most of the students looking at them, clearly wanting to come over. He could understand their curiosity, but Shouta did not want anyone near him and his kit at the moment. It was their first day in the classroom and they both needed to adjust to the situation.

Because of this, Shouta nudged Izuku carefully, getting the kitten's attention, before standing up. Izuku looked up at him before standing up, standing closely by his side. He knew Hizashi would be at the teacher's lounge while everyone had lunch, so they would be staying there.

When they walked out of the classroom, Shouta could sense the disappointment of some of his students, but kept walking. They got many weird looks from the other students, making Izuku even more tense. Shouta bent down and picked the kit up, Izuku tucking his legs closely. He could feel Izuku relax a bit in his grip, his tense shoulders slumping slightly. That was enough for Shouta.

The door to the teacher's lounge was open, so Shouta walked in and jumped onto the couch where his husband was sitting, eating his lunch. Putting Izuku down, the kitten immediately jumped onto his husband's lap and started to attack the chop sticks he was using. Hizashi only chuckled, putting the chop sticks down and petted their kit.

"Hello, lil' listener! Having a good day so far?" Hizashi asked, before starting to pet Shouta as well. Izuku looked up at Hizashi and gave a weak, but exited meow. Shouta laid down against Hizashi's leg, enjoying his time to relax. His instincts had kept him from napping all day, having to make sure his kit was ok.

Honestly, it surprises Shouta just how much being a cat has affected them both. Yes, he already knew that this year of students was different, but now, with Izuku, it just felt different. Sure, the cat-instincts are playing a huge part of the protectiveness and fondness he feels over the problem child, but at the same time, it didn't surprise him that much either. Looking at how Hizashi was playing with Izuku while having a beaming smile on his face, Shouta was pretty sure he felt the same way.

Of course, the peace and quiet never lasts as Nemuri busts in through the door. Izuku jumps from the sudden sound, running as fast as his little legs can in-between him and his husband. Shouta could feel Izuku shaking a bit, which made Shouta's instincts flare up.

"Where is the little cats!? I need to see them!" Nemuri stated energetically, before setting her eyes upon them.

"Nemuri! You have to be careful, you know-" Before Hizashi could finish with his warning, Nemuri came too close. Yes, Shouta knew this was one of their best friends, but his instincts were already acting up.

Shouta bent down low over his kit, hissing at the heroine. His tale was fluffing up as his back was curved upwards. A clear warning to stay away. Nemuri stopped in her tracks, realization clear on her face. She walked up slower before bending down a few feet away from them, putting her hand out in a sign of peace.

"Sorry, forgot about that" She stated, looking a little guilty. Shouta sniffed her and, making sure she was safe before sitting down, Izuku was still under him. It was clear Izuku didn't like Nemuri that much, which was highly amusing to watch. She held her and out towards the kit when a low hiss came from the kitten.

"Looks like he's not a fan, Nem" Hizashi stated playfully, giving an amused smile. Nemuri huffed, looking back at the kit.

"Really green bean? Are you betraying me like this?" She stated dramatically, a hand over her forehead. Izuku looked up at him and Shouta looked back, amusement in his eyes.

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