Chapter 3

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Shouta woke up Sunday morning to something biting his ear. Confused, he slowly opened his eyes, only to be met by his kit's playful eyes. Izuku titles his head, giving him the most innocent look the kitten could master. Slowly, Izuku bent his legs, getting into a hunting position, ready to bounce. Wiggling his butt, Izuku bounced at him. Shouta, just being woken up, let the kitten bounce at him. Giving playful growls and meows, Izuku attacked his ears before bouncing at his tale.

"Someone is feeling better today" Shouta mumbled, looking down at his kit. Izuku looked up at him, ears perked upwards.

"Yeah! I don't know why I'm so eager, but I feel great!" Izuku beamed, jumping onto Shouta's bigger body.

"Probably has something to do with your instincts. Kittens are playful creatures, guess you're not much of a difference", Shouta explains, getting up to stretch his body. Izuku, still being on top of him, fell onto the couch, getting up just as fast.

"Oh! I didn't think of that. That makes sense though. I wonder if the quirk could transform into other animals? Or just some parts of an animal? I have so many questions!" Izuku rambled.

"I don't know Izuku, but when we find the guy we have to figure out his quirk anyway", Shouta chuckled.

Shouta turned towards Izuku before picking him up by the scruff. He jumped off the couch before setting Izuku down again. Since he was still healing and so small, Shouta didn't want Izuku to jump from heights like that just yet. Once Izuku was down on the ground, he stalked towards his and Hizashi's bedroom.

"C'mon, if I have to wake up early to you biting by ear, Hizashi has too" Shouta crumpled, Izuku scrambling to follow behind him.

Once they were in the bedroom, Shouta picked up his kit before jumping onto the bed. Setting the kitten down again, Shouta gestured towards his sleeping husband. Izuku, being the adorable little shit he was, took this chance with glee. Butt wiggling in the air, Izuku was ready to bounce. Shouta had to admit, it was adorable. His absolutely loving cats does not help his situation.

Izuku bounced at his husband, small fangs biting the tip of Hizashi's nose. Hizashi jolted upwards, Izuku slipping down but catching itself in Hizashi's PJ-shirt. Once Hizashi's eyes laid on himself and Izuku, he slumped down, catching his breath.

"Shoutaaaa, not nice!" Hizashi whined, lifting Izuku up again. "You can be a mischief, you know that li' listener?"

Shouta could see the light in the kittens kitten's eyes, clearly happy with his achievement. He walked up to the pair before pushing himself into his husband. Hizashi looked down at him, petting the top of his head and scratching behind his ear.

"Let's get some breakfast, you must be hungry" Hizashi stated before getting up from bed. He put Izuku down on the ground before walking into the bathroom to get ready. Shouta jumped down from the bed, walking out of the bedroom with the dark green kitten following behind him.

Shouta knew that Hizashi got the cat stuff yesterday, and knowing his husband, he would have brought the cat toys too. Walking into the living room, he found a small ball with a bell in it. Wacking his paw onto the toy, the toy went flying towards the kitten. Izuku attacked it immediately, running around like a mad man. Shouta watched fondly from the couch, glad that even if the situation wasn't optimal, Izuku could finally have some fun and be a kid.

He knew that Izuku was trading hard and overlooking himself. The kid deserved a break, and Shouta would make sure that Izuku would be ok after that.

Izuku ran around the living room, the ball hitting the table, walls, TV-stand and back to the kitten. Seeing the delight on Izuku's face made the whole situation much better. Izuku's toy went under the couch, the kitten diving right after it. Shouta could hear his small claws hitting the bottom of the couch, back and forth at least three times before Izuku's head stuck out, looking up at Shouta. His eyes were almost completely black, pure joy all over his features.

When Hizashi stepped into the living room, Izuku's head snapped towards the man. Staring for a few seconds, Izuku clearly debating on what to do, he slowly creeped towards Hizashi. Butt wiggling in the air again, Izuku bounced on Hizashi's feet before booking it again. He ran to the couch, claws into the armrest before running again.

Hizashi chuckled at the kitten, clearly enjoying having the ball of energy there.

"I'm going to get you some food, be right back" Hizashi said before walking into the kitchen.

"Having fun Kit?" Shouta asked the kitten. Izuku looked up at him, his eyes lighting up.

"Yeah! That is amazing! I feel like I can do anything!" With that, he was off again.

"Just be careful, ok? I don't want you hurting yourself" Ok, he was a little protective over his Problem Child, but can you blame him? He's called Problem Child for a reason.

Hizashi came back into the living room with two bowls of what looked like tuna. Shouta jumped down from the couch and walked towards the bowls before starting to eat. Izuku joined him not a minute later, his tail swinging back and forth in what Shouta could only presume was delight.

After eating, the two cats joined Hizashi on the couch, both lying in the man's lap. Izuku, having been playing around then eating, was napping, face pushed into Shouta's chest. Shouta himself was napping with his husband slowly stroking his back and head.

It felt like heaven.

A man with a hood sat in the bar chair, slowly drinking his drink before turning around.

"So, you are telling me that you got them, but let them get away?" The man rasped out, clearly not enjoying the news.

The two villains in front of the man were clearly frightened, but held their calm posture.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, but Eraserhead was too fast. They got away into the streets before we could capture them", One of the men said.

The man growled, the glass in his hand becoming dust before he stood up.

"Get out of my sight. Useless, can't even catch two fucking cats" The man grumbled. "Kurogiri, get the plans. We have to make some adjustments."

With that, the man turned around, anger clear in his posture.


Kit (Dadzawa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang