Chapter 9

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Shouta wondered how today was going to be. It was Friday and Shouta was ready for the day. Hizashi had a teachers' meeting about Hawks joining the staff, so he left before him and Izuku. Izuku was clearly excited to finally be away from All Might, having been running around like a mad man all last night. Now, with Izuku underneath him, they were walking to class.

A few students were in the hallways, some looking at Shouta with a scared look. Not surprising, seeing as he is a giant lynx with darker fur than normal. Izuku was still limping a bit after stretching his muscles yesterday, but Recovery Girl said he should walk on it frequently so it doesn't get stiff.

Walking into the classroom, most of the students were already there. Shouta and his kit walked over to where his sleeping bag was lying before settling down. He looked over the students at the classroom, and heard most of them whisper about what had happened yesterday with All Might.

A few minutes later, when all the students were in class, the door opened and Takami walked into the class room. When the student saw who it was that had walked in, chaos erupted.

"Ok, ok, settle down everyone!" Takami said calmly, but high enough for everyone to hear.

Everyone settled down and stopped talking, clearly excited to hear why the number 3 hero was in their classroom.

"My name is Takami Keigo, or better known as Hawks! I am going to be your new heroics teacher and be your substitute until Aizawa-san is back to normal!" Takami explained, a smile on his face. Again, the class erupted into chaos.

"Ok, how about you ask a question one at a time. I can't understand you like that" he chuckled. Most of the students raised their hands. "Ok, Ashido, ask away."

"Yay! Ok, first, where is All Might and second, how do you know our names?"

"All Might is not teaching here at UA anymore after the incident that happened yesterday, and to your second question, I practised them yesterday so we didn't have to go over that in class", Takami answered. Shouta had to give it to him. Within two minutes of being there, he was already better than All Might at teacher. All Might couldn't get the students to even sit down without almost breaking the door every time. "Hagakure, your turn."

"Will you be teaching here permanently or is it just until they get a new teacher?"

"I am a permanent member of the staff and will be teaching here for the rest of your school days! Yaoyorozu"

"Are the hero classes going to be different from now on?"

"It depends on how All Might have been teaching. Today, for example, since I don't know how all of you fight, we are going to have one-on-one Quirkless battles first, then one-on-one battles with quirks. Just so I can understand your techniques and how to improve them!" Ok, Takami is 100% better than All Might. He doesn't send students into a battle inside an enclosed area the first time he's teaching. He could see on some of the students' faces that they were surprised, but pleased with the changes. "Kaminari"

"Some of us have difficulties with reading, take longer time understanding study and more. Will those people be able to use their phones and stuff for help?" Poor Kaminari. He is clearly nervous about the whole thing that happened on Monday. All Might didn't let him use his phone since it was pissing Shouta off. If he was human he would just have shoved a sock down his throat and kicked him out the door.

"Of course! If you have a problem, whatever it may be, you can come to me after class and discuss it. You don't have to talk about it in front of the whole class. I know that can be uncomfortable! Until I can sort out whatever you may need, you are allowed to use your phone if that helps! Also, Mineta, you get your ass back into your seat and stay there. If I see you going after anyone in this class again, you will be sent to the principal. Do you understand me?" Takami asked, his whole appearance going from relaxed to dark. Shouta could see the females in the class relaxing.

"Y-yes, Takami-sensei" Mineta stuttered, scrambling back into his seat.

"Ok, if that was everything, you can work on some homework", Takami instructed. The class started doing their homework, going into small groups to work together. Takami walked over to the two felines, sat down beside them and stretched his wings around them, giving them some extra warmth.

"I don't understand how All Might can be bad at this" Takami chuckled, scratching Izuku behind his ear. Izuku started to purr, leaning into the touch.

From the days Shouta and Izuku had spent as cats, he had noticed how touch-starved the kitten was. He always went out of his way to be close to either him or Hizashi. He leant into the smallest of touch and relaxed into it. From what Izuku explained, the first day they got turned into cats, abuse was in the picture. He knew he didn't have the whole story yet, but he also knew it was smart to get turned back into human so the detective could be involved.

Shouta hated that he could't do anything yet, but also knew that stressing Izuku out right now was a really bad idea. This whole thing has been mostly relaxing, yes, but Shouta knew that Izuku's instincts would go high-wire because of his size. He could protect himself without Shouta right now and the whole progress they had made the last few days would have been gone. They don't know if there will be side effects when they turn back, so he wants Izuku to have a relaxing week.

They would turn back within 1-8 days now, so Shouta just had to be patient.

The rest of the class went by. Takami has been a great teacher so far, helping students that need help and not calling out on something personal.

The heroics went absolutely great. Shouta knew that his class still needed to train their quirkless fighting, but Takami was patient with everyone. Kaminari was in in heroics today because it was their first lesson with Takami.

When Kaminari short-circuited and some of the students started to snicker, Takami put them in their place immediately. He walked over to Kaminari and helped him sit on the ground.

"Hey! Short-circuiting is not something you laugh at. Just like every other quirk drawback, it hurts and they are quite aware of everything happening around them. I know someone with an electric quirk and whenever they short-circuit, you know what we do then? Help them. You are here to become heroes and heroes do not laugh at anyone. You are going to meet so many people who are going to have the same problem and if you keep laughing at your friend's pain, maybe heroics isn't for you", Takami finished. Everyone looked down in shame at that.

Of course, Shouta had explained Quirk drawback to the class before, but it seemed like that little speech gave them the kick in the ass they needed to think straight.

The rest of the day went well. No one even got sent to the infirmary after training. Takami had explained that it was sparring, not fighting they were doing today, and whenever someone got too excited, he stopped the fight.

This, Shouta thought, was a teacher that he could get behind.

Takami can control this class 10x better than All Might ever could.


Keigo's first day went extremely well. Yes, the class had energy and its own personality, but that just made it even better.

It surprised Keigo when he had learnt from one of the students how All Might had been teaching them heroics. Apparently, he just pointed out what they did wrong, but didn't say anything about how to improve on it. The glint of happiness when he had corrected and given compliments on what they did good and bad, twisted his gut. They had explained that Aizawa was a great teacher and he helped everyone learn in PE, but because All Might had heroics, what Keigo was teaching them was not something Aizawa was teaching.

Now he had the rest of the weekend to get everything from his apartment to the dorms. He knew that his room was being prepared for him yesterday and as of today, so he could move in before that. He also has a patrol tomorrow, so some of his day will go to that too.

Nedzu had explained that his room would be the one next to Aizawa and Yamada, seeing that they would be his new guardians. Hizashi had invited him over yesterday to eat dinner and watch a movie. It ended up with Izuku curled up in his lap, Aizawa next to Yamada as they all slept on the big and comfortable couch.

Keigo could really get used to his new life.


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