Chapter 14

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Izuku's backlash if he doesn't get physical contact is called a 'drop':)

Shouta walked into class a week and a half after the training session with Shinso, looking around his class. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the students.

"Before I start class, Mineta?" Shouta watched as Mineta froze in his steps on his way to one of the girls. "To the principal's office. I am done with you tearing your classmates the way you do. You are now expelled from UA"

Happiness came onto the girls' faces, together with relief. Mineta, on the other hand, started crying and whining about how he hadn't done anything wrong. It took Shouta 5 minutes to get him out of the classroom. Shouta was glad to finally get rid of Mineta. It pissed him off when someone didn't respect others and the way he treated his classmates, especially the girls, was disgusting.

"Now, on the main news, exams start on Monday. You will have the written exams from Monday to Wednesday, Thursday off to collect yourselves before the practical Exam on Friday. Fail in your exams and you will not be joining the training camp in two weeks", Shouta informed. Some shocked gasps came from some of the students. "You are allowed to study in classes today, and it is a good idea to study at the weekend. I'm going to take a nap, don't wake me", Shouta finished. He pulled out his sleeping bag before falling into the corner.

It took about 3 minutes before he felt a familiar body crawl into his sleeping back and cuddled up agains him. Shouta could only sight fondly, wrapping his arm around Izuku. Purrs came from the kit, lulling Shouta into a deep nap.

Hizashi, Keigo and himself helped Izuku study for the most part after school all week and would help him this weekend, but Izuku was one of the top students, so napping right now wouldn't hurt anyone anyway.


Exams came faster than Izuku would have liked. Yes, he had been studying until his dads' forced him to sleep all weekend, but he was still stressed about the exams. So far, he thought he had done well. It was on Tuesday after he was done with the day's exams that he got the consequences of being too into his studying and exams.

He was so occupied with school that he had a drop for the first time. He had been light-headed through the math exam, but didn't think too much of it. He had been studying a lot and he thought he just needed some food and water. He started breathing heavily towards the end, making Ectoplasm-Sensei look at him worriedly. When he slumped down onto his desk, breathing heavily, face pail and sweat coming from his forehead, that Ectoplasm-Sensei called Dad.

His dad burst through the door not long after, walking over to where he was still slumped over his desk.

"Izuku, can you look at me?" Dad asked him softly, not wanting to disturb class even more, not like the whole class wasn't distracted already. Izuku looked up at his Dad and Izuku saw realization in his eyes. "Ok, C'mon. You're having a drop"

His dad picked him up bridal style and Izuku leaned into the touch immediately, feeling relief of his headache.

"The 'xam" Izuku mumbled against the older neck.

"We can talk to Nedzu about that later. You need some contact before this gets worse. Ectoplasm, Izuku won't be doing the rest of the exams, please collect his paper" Dad whispered as they walked past his teacher.

Izuku got carried into the teachers' lounge where Keigo was sitting. Izuku was settled between the two and they sat there for the rest of the day. It took almost an hour and a half before Izuku felt like himself again. He looked around with more clearance in his eyes.

"Next time, please think about yourself, problem child. You know you need more contact with people than you have gotten in the last few days" Dad said, brushing his curls out of his face.

"Sorry I worried you guys. I promise that I won't let study come in the way of my health again". Izuku looked down at his hands, fidgeting nervously.

"It's ok, fledgling, you just worried us" Keigo said softly. Izuku just nodded in response, leaning into his family.

Dad talked to Nedzu that afternoon about what they should do about the rest of the exam, but Nedzu explained that it wouldn't affect his performance because of quirk drawback. Izuku really appreciated that Nedzu was understanding of the situation, even though he had difficulty understanding human emotions.


Through the whole Thursday, Shouta made sure to keep Izuku close, both because he hadn't had a drop like that before and they didn't know if it would affect him later, and because both Hizashi, Keigo and Shouta wanted to make sure Izuku would make it through Fridays physical exam.

On Friday morning, Shouta woke up to Izuku lying between him and his husband, purring softly as he slept. Izuku had a tendency to sneak into their room on days where he felt more touch-starved than others. Shouta and Hizashi didn't mind, of course, they usually slept even better together.

They made breakfast together and sat down to eat like they normally did.

"You feel like you're ready for today, Izu?" Hizashi asked before taking another bite out of his breakfast.

"I feel pretty good! I have more energy than I had when I got the drop on Tuesday, so I think I'm ready!" he exclaimed excitedly, a beaming smile on his face.

"Good! Remember, if you feel like you're going to have a drop, come to me, Sho or Kei and we will help you, ok?" Hizashi asked. His husband had been pretty concerned after Izuku's drop on Tuesday. That was a low drop, meaning the effects weren't as bad as they could have been. Izuku could go higher, wither to a middle- or high drop. They really didn't want to figure out how they affected Izuku.

"Promise!" Izuku answered, nodding fast.

"And Problem Child, please try not to break any bones" Shouta teased. Izuku blushed, bright red, stuttering before nodding, embarrassed. Hizashi and Shouta chuckled at their kid before they kept eating their breakfast.

After they ate and were ready for the last day of exams, Shouta and Hizashi walked to the teacher's lounge to meet with the other teachers. The students were going to fight against the teachers, so they were going to meet up at the lounge to get their weight restraints.

After they were done getting the weight restraints, they walked out and waved in front of ground beta where the exams were going to take place. When all the students showed up, Nedzu started to explain the exorcise.

He called up the groups and who they were fighting against before sending them off to warm up.

(The same groups except that Katsuki and Izuku fight against Hawks)

Mostly, everyone did well. Some students failed, but surprising his peers, Kaminari did not in fact fail. Shouta could see the difference in the boy after he started training with Hizashi and Hawks becoming their Heroics teacher.

The most surprising round in Shouta's opinion was Izuku's and Bakugou's. They paired the two because they needed to start working together, and after Izuku seemed to have a serious talk with the blond teen before they were up, they worked together almost perfectly and were able to escape.

All together, Shouta was proud of his class. He would never admit that out loud, of course, at least not any time soon, but he was proud.

Izuku got to choose dinner and a movie that night, celebrating that he passed all his exams.

It was Katsudon and a Pre-Quirk super hero movie with a lot of cuddles that Friday night.


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