Chapter 4

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To be completely honest, Izuku didn't think being a cat was that bad. Yes, it was scary around people other than Mr. Yamada, but Mr. Aizawa has been with him this whole time, making him feel a bit better. Having Mr. Aizawa protecting him made him feel very safe and cared for. Every time he is scared and panicking, Mr. Aizawa was there for him. He also enjoyed playing around and being himself without getting questioning stares or people commenting on what he did.

Mr. Aizawa also made him realize that how his mother and All Might have been treating him is wrong. Yes, All might was far more gentle than his mother, mostly a slap or a hit on the back of the head, but it still hurt. When Izuku woke up that morning, he curled up into Mr. Aizawa, he felt a warmth in his entire body. It was one of the best nights of sleep he had gotten in a long time.

Even when Izuku started to play with Mr. Aizawa's ear, making him wake up, Mr. Aizawa wasn't bad and let him play some more. Mr. Yamada was also very gentle and never made a move to hurt Izuku.

So, being a cat was pretty relaxing and fun this far.

It was right after they had lunch, and Izuku felt pretty relaxed. Mr. Aizawa had told him earlier in the day that they would be going to class tomorrow and that All Might would be caching, but that he would be stying by Mr. Aizawa's side the whole class. Izuku had explained what kind of punishments All Might would be give, and he could see the rage in Mr. Aizawa's eyes.

Right now though, Izuku had a mission. He had to make sure he knew what the apartment looked like and getting all the new scents. He didn't exactly know why he needed the the scents of the apartment, but it felt important to him just to feel a bit more safe. He could see Mr. Aizawa laying on the couch, keeping an eye on him while he walked around, but it didn't bother Izuku. Everything mostly smelled like coffee, but he could also smell what Izuku could only explain as safety, home, joy and tiredness. He didn't know that feeling could have scents, but guess you learn something knew everyday.

When Izuku was done looking around, he walked back into the living room where Mr. Aizawa was still laying on the couch, Mr. Yamada having left on patrol a few hours earlier.

"Mr. Aizawa, do you think this is going to be affecting us when we turn back to humans" Izuku asked, walking over to the couch the older cat was laying on. Mr. Aizawa looked down at him before answering.

"I don't really know. Hizashi talked to Recovery Girl yesterday, and she had a theory there is a small chance of having after effects, but that we can't know for sure" Mr. Aizawa answered him before jumping off of the couch. He bit into Izuku's scruff before jumping onto the couch again and laying down. "But you don't have to worry. Both Principal Nedzu and RG assured us that the chance off having severely bad side affects are pretty low"

"That does not exactly not make me worry Mr. Aizawa" Izuku whined to his teacher, hitting him weakly with his paw. Mr. Aizawa onto rolled his eyes him, something Izuku was pretty sure was fondly.

"It's the truth. Don't go worrying about something that may not even happen. When the chances of something bad happening are so low as they are, its illogical to go worry" Mr. Aizawa stated.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" Izuku answered. He lowered his head his head onto his front paws, just relaxing his the warm present of his teacher behind him. He couch feel Mr. Aizawa laying his head over Izuku's small body, making Izuku relax even more. They laid there for a few minutes before Izuku spoke up again.

"Are you sure it will be safe to go back to class tomorrow?" He asked in a low voice. To be honest, he was pretty scared of going back to class. Not only because of All Might being there, but also having 19 other students around with him being as small as he is? It was nerve-racking.

"It will be ok, you don't have to worry. I would appreciate though if you didn't go to a place where I can't see you. I know it may be wired, but with my instincts going haywire as they have this far, it would be for the best" Mr. Aizawa answered, sounding hesitant about the last part.

"I wasn't planning on it anyway" Izuku mumbled. "I don't think my instincts would like that very much either" With that, Izuku felt sleep take over him.

Izuku didn't know how to feel about stating to think like both of his favorite teachers and heroes as father figures.

Hizashi came home about 3 hours later, Izuku having been curled up against Shouta the whole time. Not that he was bothered by it. Izuku had a pretty relaxing present. When the front door opened, Shouta immediately opened his eyes towards the door. His husband walked through he felt his muscles relax.

"Hey Shou! Everything went ok while I was gone?" Hizashi asked while he took off his shoes and jacked. His husband walked over to him and their kit, scratching behind his ear before doing the same thing with Izuku. He only gave a weak mew before laying his head over Izuku again.

"That's good! I'm going to make some dinner, and we can watch some movies afterward." Hizashi said before disagreeing into the kitchen. Shouta looked down at the sleeping kitten before nudging it carefully with his nose.

"Time to wake up Izuku." He stated lowly, nudging the kitten again. Tired green eyes peered up at him, blinking a few times before stretching with a small kitten-yawn.

"What time is it?" Izuku asked, slurring his words slightly.

"It's 7:30 PM, Hizashi is making us some dinner." He answered. Izuku perked up at that last bit of information, looking up at him, eyes lighting up with joy.

"Mr. Yamada his home?!" Izuku squeaked before scrabbling off the couch, despairing into the kitchen. He could hear Izuku's little claws trying to get a grip on the floor around the corner to the kitchen, then heard a yelp coming for his husband.

Shouta jumped down from the couch and slowly trotted into the kitchen. The Izuku had ten claws into his husband's leg, hanging from knee height. Shouta chuckled fondly before walking over, taking Izuku by the scruff and putting him down on the ground.

"Glad to see you too Lil' Listener!" Hizashi chuckled before scratching behind the kit's ear. Shouta was glad Izuku liked his husband so much, seeing the light lighting in the kits' eyes brightening his day just a bit more.

They all ate their food in the living room before watching a pre-quirk movie called Venom. Izuku was lying on his husband's lap while Shouta was lying beside his husband's leg, everyone just relaxing into each other.


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