Chapter 21

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TW! Sexual assault, abuse, blackmail, talking about future/planned rape!This is a warning for the next few chapters!All For One is a CREEP!!!

Summery in the end notes!

Izuku slowly came back into consciousness, trying to blink away the sleepiness in his eyes. He tried to move his hands to rub his eyes, only to be stopped by what felt like cuffs. Confused, Izuku opened his eyes completely, only to be met with the sight of his dad chained to a chair in front of him. Their eyes met and Izuku could see the panic in his eyes. Izuku tried to get his hands free, pulling against the restraints. Panic began to set in when he couldn't summon his quirk.

Seeing his son panic, Shouta immediately spoke up.

"Izuku, try and keep calm, okay? You need to breathe, Kit", Shouta spoke softly. He could not afford to panic right now, knowing it would just set off the distressed kitten even more.

"D-dad! Dad, I-I" Izuku couldn't form a whole sentence, breaking Shouta's heart. Tears began to stream down Izuku's face, still trying to get free.

"Izuku, cal-" Shouta began, but was cut off by a deep chuckle, making Shouta stiffen and Izuku flinch. Looking towards the door, Shouta saw Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Dabi and a white-haired man. The older man was smirking, clearly the one that laughed at his kit's distress. What took Shouta by surprise, however, was how tense Shigaraki looked. He couldn't read Kurogiri, but by how he laid a, what Shouta assumed was a comforting hand on Shigaraki's shoulder, he assumed he was in a similar state. His thoughts were cut off by the white-haired man.

"That won't work, Izuku. Those are quirk-canceling cuffs, you won't be able to break through them" he said in a teasing tone.

Izuku watched as the man walked towards him, tensing more and more with each step. He looked towards his dad, tears still streaming down his face. When he stood in front of Izuku, the white-haired man grabbed his face, making Izuku look up at the man in fear.

"Let go of him!" Shouta growled, pulling on his restraints. The man looked up at him, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Is Mama-cat getting protective?" The man teased. "What if I do this?"

Tomura stood by the bar, watching as his Sensei walked behind the scared child, smirking. He watched tensely as Sensei began to track down Midoriya's chest, making the kid sob in despair. Tomura looked towards Eraserhead. His eyes were split, growling more furiously. Dabi laid a comforting hand on his shoulder, not even remotely into this plan either.

"Hm, I can have more fun later", the white-haired man whispered into Izuku's ear, making him flinch and whimper.

"What do you want?" Shouta growled at the man.

"I want many things actually, but the reason why you two are here is simple. First, I need you, Eraserhead, as a new test subject to a Nomu to keep everyone here in check. You see, Kurogiri here is still too human. His emotions can get the better of him, and I am afraid that it can cause more problems than it's worth", the man explains. That made Shouta feel sick. Not only did this indicate that Kurogiri did not have any choice in what he did, but it was also the fact that Kurogiri was an experiment. A real human being was still in there somewhere.

"This little one, however", The white-haired man spoke up again, making Shouta look up at where the man stood behind Izuku. The man grinned a sick grin Shouta recognized as one of a predator.

Izuku felt sick as the man behind him brought a hand over his throat. He didn't choke him, but started to run a thumb up and down his jaw.

"He is going to have a more pleasurable role". The white-haired man chuckled. Izuku tensed at the words, knowing exactly what he meant. He had experienced this before, after all. "You see, Eraserhead, I need an heir. And I thought, instead of taking One For All back, I could make a stronger child and make sure the legacy lives on! I got lucky with the looks too". The man tightened his hold around Izuku's throat. Quiet sobs ripped through him, shaking in fear.

Shouta was about to talk, but before he could even open his mouth, a hesitant voice spoke up from beside them.

"Sensei, maybe this is a little t-too far?" Shigaraki said. This surprised Shouta. The super villain, Shigaraki Tomura, tries to help them out?

"What did you just say?" 'Sensei', as Shouta figured out, growled towards the young adult. Before he could even blink, a smack sounded through the room. Shouta watched wide-eyed as Shigaraki was slapped, hard, making him fall to the floor with a yelp. Dabi was on his way to kneeling down to the blue-haired male, but was stopped when 'Sensei' gripped his face, making the stitches in his face rip in a few places. "You know what happens if you help him up Dabi. I won't hesitate to kill them"

Shouta watched in horror as Dabi nodded tensely, before falling to the floor as the man let go of his face.

"Sit up, now" the man growled. Izuku watched as the two on the floor sat up, but still looked at the floor. "Since you want to talk back, how about you get to watch instead. As a punishment"

Izuku watched in horror as the man snapped his head towards him, grinning madly. He heard his dad growl in the background, but could only watch as the man walked back over to him.

"N-no, p-p-please!" Izuku tried to plead as the man behind him slipped a hand into his shirt.

Shouta pulled harder on the restraint, trying with all his might to get to his kit. Suddenly, a pained scream came from Izuku, making Shouta look at him in horror.

"What are you doing?!" Shouta screamed. He could see Shigaraki and Dabi covering their mouths, Dabi holding a protective arm over the younger's shoulder.

"I said I would breed him. How am I supposed to do that without giving him a quirk that makes it possible?" The man deadpanned, as if it was obvious why his son was screaming in pain.

"S-stop! Please!" Izuku screamed, sobbing and trashing in despair. This pain was worse than breaking his bones. His stomach felt like it was ripping in half, then grew back together.

Finally, this man let go of Izuku, making him slump in relief, still sobbing.

"Tomura, Dabi and Kurogiri. You have to watch them while I go to the lab. If anything happens here, you know what is coming", Sensei ordered before walking out the door. Tomura slumped into Dabi's side, a single tear running down his stinging, red cheek.

"I'm s-sorry" Tomura whispered, closing his eyes in shame.


Summery: All For One needs an heir and plans on uses Izuku to get the perfect one. He also plans on turning Shouta into a Nomu and it turns Tomura, Dabi and Kurogiri aren't as villainous as they thought.


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