Item #: SCP-4217

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(AN : Here we go, i tried my best with their reactions, sorry if i got bad grammars. Also i had to add some parts to the file since the SCP Foundation and Azur Lane in this book are on the same universe. Basically i try my best to merge both of the universe. Alright let's get into the chapter!)

Item #: SCP-4217

Object Class:Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation naval forces are to patrol SCP-4217's territory with 3 or more battleships under the guise of the British Royal Navy. During a Hostile State, naval forces are to engage SCP-4217 until it reverts to a Passive State.

"So this SCP is an aquatic type of SCP" Z23 concluded.

Survivors from civilian vessels attacked by SCP-4217 are to be recovered and processed in accordance with Maritime Disinformation Protocols.

Description: SCP-4217 refers to both Bismarck (henceforth SCP-4217-A), an anomalous German battleship sunk on 1941-05-27, and the large cephalopoid organism that is fused to the inside of its hull (henceforth SCP-4217-B).

"Excuse me, what?" Bismarck eyes widened.

"Another Bismarck? How did we not know this?" Queen Elizabeth said.

SCP-4217-B possesses a pair of octopoid eyes which protrude from the base of SCP-4217-A's superstructure, and twelve 100- to 200-meter-long muscular hydrostats that extend from an opening in the stern. Aside from the presence of SCP-4217-B, SCP-4217-A shows no signs of damage sustained from battle or subsequent decades submerged underwater.


"I feel this is going to be traumatizing for Bismarck" Eugen glanced at her.

"Battleship with octopus capabilities..." Cleveland shivered in disgust at the thought.

SCP-4217-B operates SCP-4217-A's systems. This includes its full armanent of 8 main guns, 44 secondary guns, and 12 anti-aircraft guns.

"I wonder why it was a Keter SCP" Chapayev said.

SCP-4217-B also can operate SCP-4217-A's propellers to reach speeds approaching 40 knots, but only while surfaced. While submerged, SCP-4217 achieves locomotion via ejection of water from SCP-4217-B's body cavity (with an average speed of approximately 30 knots).

"That's a weird system the SCP have in it's possession" Warspite commented.

SCP-4217 typically remains submerged at a depth of 500-1100 meters, navigating its territory. However, SCP-4217 will periodically surface and enter a Hostile State.

"That's bad" Javelin said.

During this period, SCP-4217 will seek and attack non-threatening targets (such as civilian cargo ships). If sufficiently damaged, it will revert to a Passive State; otherwise, it reverts after a median 9 hours.

"And my counterpart acts like a predator, great" Bismarck said sarcastically.

"Why would it target civilian cargo ships without any reason?" Ning Hai asked.

Addendum 1 - History: The SCP-4217 designation previously referred only to Bismarck itself, which was believed to have been neutralized in 1941. A previous version of this document can be found below:

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