Chapter 1

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A/N by the way, everyone looks like how they look like in the cover. And I will be putting the picture of the recruit when she shows up.

Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg all went out to protect the city as always. The H.I.V.E 5 were robbing a bank downtown.

When they arrived to the scene, the H.I.V.E were starting to run away with bags full of cash.

"Stop! Put down the money and you won't be hurt!" Robin yelled as they stopped.

The villains turned around and smirked at the Titans. "Well, well, look what the tide brought in. The Teen Titans," Gizmo taunted.

"Try to stop us," Jinx said showing her pink sparks of bad luck.

Robin took out his staff and stated, "We will. Titans, go!"

Starfire went after See-more who had started to try to blast her with his eye beam. Starfire fought back with her own. Her power won against his and they started to fight with their fists.

Beast Boy turned into a tiger and jumped on Mammoth. Mammoth took him and slammed him onto the ground. Beast Boy groaned but got up. He turned into a pterodactyl and picked Mammoth up and then dropped him to the ground. Mammoth grabbed Beast Boy and repeatedly tried to pound on him, but Beast Boy kept transforming into different animals.

Cyborg, meanwhile, was fighting with Gizmo, who kept on trying to hack into his systems like he had once before. Their mechanics clashed against each other as they fought. Cyborg pulled out his cannon and blasted Gizmo back. Gizmo got up and then jumped into the air and landed on Cyborg, "Hey, wanna get hacked into, tin man?"

"Get the hell off me!" Cyborg yelled as he grabbed Gizmo and threw him off.

Robin was struggling with Jinx. She kept blasting at him with her jinxing powers, making it hard to hit her with his fists or staff.

"What's the matter, boy wonder? Getting tired already? Don't you won't some bad luck today?" Jinx taunted as she sent her powers at him. It nearly hit him this time.

"No, just getting tired of you." he said rolling off the top of a car as he was nearly hit with her powers.

"Too bad. I was having fun with you. But all you need is just a teeny tiny bit of bad luck." She had had against a car and there was no way to escape.

"Robin!" Starfire shouted when she saw him in a vulnerable position. But then See-more blasted her with his eye beam and she hit him with a star bolt.

Jinx raised her hand, pink shining out of it. She then slowly pointed it at him. And shot.

Robin waited for the blast, but it never came. He opened his eyes and saw a dark, blue cloak in front of him. And black was ahead of the person who was blocking the hit.

"What the- Who the hell are you?" Jinx asked as she looked at the cloaked figure. Only her eyes and mouth shown under the shadow of her hood.

"No one that's concerns you," her voice was emotionless and held nothing in it. With her black power she sent Jinx back knocking her against Gizmo who had been close to hacking into Cyborg's systems. They both fell to the ground and scurried away from the cloaked girl.

The cloaked girl then flew over the Starfire and put a shield around her and sent the eye blast back to See-more. He fell to the ground and looked up at the girl with surprise. Then she went to Beast Boy, who was on the ground with a broken arm. She threw Mammoth away and then grabbed a light pole with her magic and gathered all the villains together and wrapped the light pole around them. Not even Mammoth could break it.

The cloaked girl moved over to Beast Boy and reached for him.

"Who are you?" He asked trying to look into her eyes.

"No one that concerns you." she repeated and then she hovered her hands over his broken arm and a blue light emitted from her hands. Her eyes turned white and Beast Boy was amazed. She was healing him.

Her hands left him and she helped him up.

"Thanks, uh..."

She didn't say her name like he expected her to. She simply sunk through the ground and disappeared.

"Who was she?" Cyborg asked as he and the others huddled near Beast Boy.

Beast Boy kept looking at the place where she disappeared, "I dunno, man. But she healed me and she helped all of us."

"That she did, friends. And she got all the villains tied the up!" Starfire said pointing at the still struggling H.I.V.E 5

"I wish she would've told us her name. Would've been helpful." Cyborg said.

"Yeah, and she could've made a great addition to the team." Robin said.

"You want her in?" Beast Boy asked.

"Yeah. Why does it surprise you?"

"Because you rejected Kid Flash, Pantha, Jericho, and Wonder Girl." Cyborg answered.

Robin simply rolled his eyes, "Still. She's-She's something else. And well, I don't know, I thought you would like that idea."

"I do!" Starfire shouted with glee.

"I'm totally in for it! She healed my arm, dude!" Beast Boy hooted.

"She did throw Gizmo off me. I guess, I'm in too!" Cyborg shouted.

"Well, if we see her again, next time, I'll ask her to join our team." Robin smiled.

Starfire cheered and then went over to her team and hugged them all. "I finally will not be the only girl!"

The boys laughed and then they proceeded to take the criminals to prison as the people took the money back to the bank.

I can't wait until I see her again! Beast Boy thought as he tried to free the H.I.V.E from the binding the cloaked girl had done to get them to their cells.


This was super short, but anyway, I'll probably be updating sometime next week. Gonna be busy for the rest of today and tomorrow and then Monday, school. So yeah, hoped you enjoyed it though. (And people who know who the mysterious, cloaked girl is, don't spoil it)

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