Chapter 17: Change of Plans

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Jericho swiftly got in front of Raven and looked deep into her eyes. It took longer than usual to take over due to the mind control Terra has her under. But he used so much force that it broke the mind control and he could take control. 

In Raven's body, he turned to Terra and used his girlfriend's power to send her flying back into Ravager and Harley. They all fell and looked at Raven with anger. "Get that girl under control, Terra!" Ravager scowled.

Jericho moved Raven's hand up to her ear and quickly took out the earpiece and stomped on it until it was nothing but a thousand broken pieces. Jericho then shot out of Raven's body, both breathing heavily. The fact that he had to force his way into her body, made it difficult for him to maintain control of her. It hurt both of the immensely. Raven crawled over to him weakly and teleported themselves to the others and then teleported away just as fast to an island

Still breathing heavily, Raven and Jericho told the others to just give them a minute to rest. The others nodded, understandingly. That stunt must've wore their magic out quite a bit. They decided to go and explore until they were ready to move. Now they had a greater chance of their plan working, thanks to Raven.

Jericho quickly crawled next to Raven and hugged her tightly. You okay?

"Yeah, just disgusted." Raven exhaled deeply. "Kissing girls is weird. How do you do it?"

Jericho smiled and then cupped her face softly, Because I kiss the girl I love. Not a girl that means nothing to me. He then kissed her. Their mouths moving in synchronization. They truly were what other couples wish they could be.

When they pulled away, they just smiled at each other.

"Oh, how lovely!" BumbleBee gushed as she and the others 'happen' to stumble across them again.

"I guess you're all good to go, eh?" Speedy asked raising his eyebrow.

"And there goes the romance." Raven said glaring at her comrades.

"Is right now really the time for this? I mean, I get you're a couple and all, but the others are still trapped in the clutches of evil. We have to save them." Wildebeest said.

Raven nodded in agreement, "I totally agree with you. We have to save them and quick. I'm not sure what they're planning on doing with them, but it didn't sound like a good thing. The Joker and Deathstroke are never a good combination, just add Lex Luthor and you've got the end of the world."

"Do you know where they are?" Kid Flash asked her.

"Yeah, Terra was idiotic enough to make me teleport them to the Titan's hideout, my magic has left an imprint there. I just need to trace it and teleport them. Just give me a moment."

"Wait! Does that mean the plan changed?" Pantha asked.

"What was the plan exactly?" Raven asked them all.

After BumbleBee explained the plan, Raven nodded, "That's actually smart. Robin probably would've just charged in head on, but that, that's genius. Who came up with it?"

"Jericho, actually. We kind of left it all up to him. We figured that since he spent a lot of time with you, he would be able to figure something out."

"Quite the assumption. But you've made a great plan, Joey." Raven said softly ruffling his hair affectionately. Jericho smiled. "Alright, just let me trace my last magic trails and we'll be on our way." And with that Raven got in a lotus position, hovering above the ground a good two or three feet, and closed her eyes.

Jericho looked at the others and signed to them.

"Yeah, it'll take some time, huh?"

Jericho nodded.

Nobody said a word. Not for a while at least. They were not at all at ease. Any time their battle is against a serious opponent, they're aware of the severity of the situation. There is no knowing if all of them will make it out alive. 

"Do you guys ever, like, wake up feeling afraid?" Kid Flash suddenly asked, breaking from his usually fun, loving exterior.

"What do you mean?" Speedy asked.

"Like, do you ever wake up, wondering if today's your last day? Being a hero, and all. I sometimes wake up like that. And sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed, but we have to fight. But do you ever wonder?" He explained.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment. It was a very serious question and no amount of sarcasm or laughter could make it any more less serious. "Of course." BumbleBee finally responded.

"Who wouldn't." HotSpot said.

"But this is what we do, what we have to do. It's what's right." Speedy said reassuringly.

"We have to drag our asses out of bed and fight the evil. And it's not an obligation. We do it, because we want to do what's right. If we weren't heroes, then life would be pretty dull right now." BumbleBee finished for them all.

"I bet Raven's never scared. I bet she would overcome anything and everything, though." Speedy said loud enough for her to hear.

"You think I'm not scared?" Raven suddenly asked. They hadn't known she would respond that way. She stood and looked at them, "You are far from right. I'm scared all the damn time. You don't know how much I just want to run sometimes, how much I've just wanted to give up and say screw it all to hell. I'm terrified. But not just for myself, for my friends as well. I-I don't know what's happening to them right now. And I just want to give up and let my heritage take over.

"But I won't, because that's not what heroes do. And also I can't allow myself to be scared. If I get scared my fears will come true. But that doesn't mean I'm not. If I could let my emotions out, you would see just how much fear is locked away in me. It's more fear than any of your fears combined." She paused for a moment, "I'm just trying to say, that I'm scared. And I wonder about the same thing too. But in reality, the villains also fear us. So instead of fearing them, let's show them what they really have to fear in us."

Everyone suddenly cheered after her wise words.

"Alright then, I've found the location. Ready?"

"Ready!" They all yelled.

One by one, they started to hold hands. Raven and Jericho looked at each other, and then finally clasped their hands into each others.

And then they were gone.


"What?" Deathstroke's voice boomed throughout the facility as he glared at the three girls.

"She got away, daddy. I'm really sorry." Ravager said looking down in shame.

"Terra! I thought you had it all under control!" the Joker yelled, but his was full of excitement, not anger like his partners'

"I-I did! But I thought we had Joseph here as well. I forgot that he was still out there!" Terra shouted, her voice full of repent.

Deathstroke sighed deeply. He was disappointed in his second apprentice. But she was still valuable to him. "We have to reinforce the fort. Without a doubt will those two together come up with a plan. And they'll strike soon."

"Yes, yes they will. Your son and Raven have always been partners. Without a doubt, they will make great grandchildren for you!" the Joker grinned wider. They was this strange sparkle in his eyes now.

"Make sure that we strike first!"

The Joker stood and went to the intercom to make sure that everyone could hear. "People, we have a situation. Seems like the dark bird has escaped. So I want you all to make sure to not let anyone in here! Not unless you have them captured and handled. Other than that, kill them if they attack. Even Raven. Hear that, Titans? It's almost show time!" 


Well, dudes, All I want to say is HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!! HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! Now, excuse me, I have some tamales to eat. ^.^ Til next time, dudes!


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