Chapter 21: Cyborg Vs Ravager

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~~~While Robin was fighting with Harley~~~

Cyborg blasted at Ravager with his cannons, taking her away from the others. He didn't exactly hold a grudge on her, but he needed to fight someone, and he thought, he could take on the strongest. Although, Terra might've been the strongest one power-wise, but Ravager had strength and skill. Terra was sloppy with execution. He always had wondered if she truly had control over her powers. 

He dodged her swords as she swung them expertly. Once he was able to get far away from her, he blasted her with a light cannon, and that sent her to the ground. She jumped up quickly and charged at him instantly. She was certainly skilled. Just like Raven had described her. She was quick and was making such graceful moves with her sword that she looked like a professional assassin like her father. He blocked her sharp sword with his metal arm, she had made a cut, but it wasn't going to kill him, it didn't even slow him.

He grabbed her sword with his hand and twist it with her on the other end. Her arms twisted, but she was refusing to let go of her European style saber. She kicked forward and pushed him away from her sword. She leaped up and tried to slit his throat, but she didn't succeed. Instead she hit nothing but air, and Cyborg punched her in her abdomen. She coughed and then backed away quickly.

"Well, then. I guess machines are starting to get intelligence after all." Ravager spat out. She readied her swords and lunged forward.

Cyborg avoided her attack, only to be met by a mine that she had put down somehow without him seeing her.

He coughed away the smoke and saw her lunging towards him. He sidestepped and avoided the sharp tip. She swiped right and caught his arm, but that didn't hurt due to his robotic parts. He silently thanked his father, something he was never able to do because he was convinced that his father had ruined his life by making him into who he was today. He was saving lives now and that was something he wouldn't be able to do and be proud of if it weren't for his father.

"You freaking machine. My swords aren't doing anything to you, are they?"  Ravager asked, obviously pissed at the fact that her swords were ineffective.

Cyborg chuckled, "Yeah, well. You should talk to my father, maybe he can give you an explanation."

"I don't want a sob story. I just want you and your little friends dead."

"Well, the Titans don't give up. No matter what you throw at us, we'll always win."

"Even if it means dying?" Ravager grinned.

"Well, we do enjoy living, and it's part of our mission statement to stay alive. But if sacrificing ourselves is what we need to do to save others, then yeah; we'll gladly die."

"You superheroes with all these tropes you're supposed to follow. I, for once want to see you all die and let the villains have some form of victory." 

"Well, then I guess you'll have to live long enough to see that, won't you?"

"I get to see it today. Today is the day when you Titans are finally brought down to your knees. Today is the day, when someone close dies. Today is the day you die." Ravager shouted and lunged towards the drone.

Cyborg avoided her and then smacked her away from him when he saw her sword coming towards his head. She landed on her knees, but quickly recovered and ran towards him. Her blade outstretched and ready to pierce through. 

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