Chapter 20: Robin Vs Harley

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Robin slammed his staff down as he came down, as Harley carelessly threw her mallet upwards, hitting away Robin's weapon. Her mallet fell to the ground and she quickly picked it up and when Robin had just barely touched the ground, she slammed her mallet against him, sending him flying to the side. He hit a type of machine, but paid it no mind. He had much more bigger things to worry about.

Raven and Jericho had gone up against Deathstroke and the Joker. Alone, to make matters worse. He doubted that they could take them down.  Not because he thought they were weak, but because the enemy was too strong. Deathstroke had nearly taken Raven out twice already in the past. And Jericho, even if he is a Titan and wanted to put an end to his father's terror, it just seemed impossible for someone to hate their father and want to hurt them. 

"What's the matter, bird boy? Aren't cha having fun?" Harley asked him as she lunged towards him. 

He threw a disc a hurt, but she somersaulted away before it hit her. It had been a long time since they last fought. Ever since he left Batman's side. He had almost forgotten how she fought.


Now he remembered it clearly. And using that knowledge, he'll be able to beat her. Probably even tell what her next move was.

As expected, she jumped up and threw down her mallet. Robin hastily dodged, and pulled out an extra staff. Extending it, he jumped up before she could touch the ground, and hit her abdomen. 

She was thrown down, and coughing a bit. "Ouchie! That hurt, you big meanie!" She rubbed her stomach as she stood up and stumbled a bit, as she reached her mallet. "You gonna pay for it now, Dick!"

"Like hell I am!" Robin shouted and charged up to her once again. This time he slid as he swung, successfully hitting her leg, but she quickly retaliated by bringing her mallet down on him, flattening him to the ground. Robin let out a groan but instantly jumped up to take action, with a simple twirl of his staff, he managed to hit Harley twice, before she finally jumped up to avoid the third time. Throwing aside her mallet, she landed on his shoulders, and grabbed his chin, pulling it up and forcing him down. As he fell, she jumped off him and landed securely on the ground.

"How's that feel, bat boy?" Harley asked with her New Jersey accent, Robin had forgotten how much that voice annoyed him.

He hopped up and turned to her as she just stood there, looking like she was prepared for anything he threw at her. She always looked so confident in herself. But he knew she wouldn't be prepared with what he had next.

He took out a weapon, one that Harley had no idea what it did, because it was Cyborg who had designed it. It looked like one of Batman's birdarang, but there was a little surprise in the engineering. He threw it towards her, and she jumped to avoid it.

But that wouldn't be enough.

The weapon curved up to Harley's surprise, and it hit her. Suddenly, a type of slime-like substance shot out and wrapped itself around Harley, it hardened and made her arms useless.

"Oh! Working with aliens, I see! Old Batsy would never let you do this!"

"I'm not working with Batman at the moment. I'm a Teen Titan, and we always win." Robin said defiantly. 

Harley laughed, "You really think you fit in with them?" She nodded her head to his team. The green changeling, the cyborg, and the alien. Raven was a half demon. "You have no special ability, Robin. You are just a simple-minded human with a thing for justice, just like the old man."

Robin knew that. He knew that he had no special thing about him, but his friend's accepted him the way he was. They made him their leader. They admired him, and he admired them. He would never think about taking action without consulting them first. He trusted them with his life. They would never see him as a lesser being for just being a simple human being, while they could do all these amazing things. He belonged with them, no matter what Harley said, he wouldn't let her bring her down. He had to show himself to them. To prove that he could do just as good as them, without superpowers. 

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