Chapter 9

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"What exactly is this?"

"Your death, Raven." Ravager said.

"You wouldn't kill me. Deathstroke still wants me around." Raven scowled.

"Maybe so. But he also said if you fight a lot, we can simply kill you off."

"Raven, just give up. You aren't going to win." Terra said.

"No, you're wrong. We're here." Robin said defiantly as he and the others arrived at the bookstore where Raven was located.

"You had to call back up? That's really unlike you Rae-Rae." Ravager chuckled.

"I didn't call them. How did you know where I was?" Raven said utterly confused.

"It doesn't matter Raven, not right now at least. Let's just get this over with." Robin said.

Raven rolled her eyes, but got in a defensive position.

"Raven, let's play a game..." Ravager trailed off.

"I'm not going to play with you, Rose." Raven scowled.

"You didn't even let me finish. Let's see who out of the five of you will end up injured."

"Don't you even dare."

"Oh, but Rae. I'm a very daring person. You should know."

"Enough talk, Ravager. Let's finish this and your business with Slade." Robin said getting impatient.

"Look, batboy. This is between Raven, Terra, Slade, and I, I suggest you and your pathetic friends just get out while you can. Or little miss sunshine back there will get severely hurt."

"I won't let you—"

"You're right. This is just you, me and the others. So let's keep it that way. Leave them out of this." Raven hissed.

Suddenly another shadow came forward. He was large and he had a black and orange mask covering his face. His armour seemed impenetrable. Behind him was two glints of his swords.

"Raven, we didn't bring them into this. You did. The day you came into their lives." Deathstroke said as he moved towards her.

"I didn't bring them into this because I wanted to. You were going to make me attack them." Raven growled.

"That may be so. But you disobeyed and helped instead, you disobedient child." He was now towering over her, staring hard into her eyes.

Raven thought he could see right through her. How terrified she was at that moment. How all she wanted to do was back up and get away from him. But she didn't let it show, she only stared back just as hard and didn't move an inch.

"Father, shouldn't we be attacking?" Ravager asked in a bored voice.

"Raven's all mine." Deathstroke ordered, meaning they could take the Titans.

Deathstroke slowly backed away and then grabbed his swords from behind him. Then he lunged at Raven. Raven avoided the sharp, deadly tips and ducked every time he tried to hit her.

She could hear her friends, struggling with Ravager and Terra behind her. There was no way they were ready for this. No way that even she was ready.

Raven wrapped a bookshelf in her magic and threw it at Deathstroke. He stumbled, but seemed unfazed by the attack. Damn it, damn it. What can I possibly do?

"Give it up, Raven. You'll be working for me soon enough, and these friends will be dead." Deathstroke taunted.

"Ahhh, shit!" A voice yelled. Raven looked back and saw Beast Boy being cornered by Ravager. The others were too far and ducking from Terra's rocks to help.

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