Chapter 18: Moving Forward

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Raven and the others arrived just outside the building, where their friends were being held. She turned to the others and told them to stay down while she looked around. She crossed her legs and levitated above ground and she released her soul-self to go and scout ahead. Staying out of the enemies' eyes. She swooped around, searching for an easy target. She found a guard that was all alone, and he was heading straight for her team. She returned quickly to her body, "A guards coming. Joey, you know what to do?"

Jericho nodded, and Raven and the others hid themselves behind the dumpster that was conveniently there. As soon as they were safe, Jericho turned to where the guard would be appearing from and waited.

He came quickly, and when he saw Jericho, he charged instantly. "You! You're a Titan!" 

Jericho dodged his attack, and jumped behind him. The guard did not expect him to be so agile and quick. He spun only to stare into Jericho's hypnotic eyes. Jericho took this opportunity quick and took over the guard's body. "Alright! It's done." Jericho said through the enemy's voice.

Raven and the others came out and Raven magically summoned some rope. It appeared thick and strong, but a quick pull would make it break, making it easy for them to break free and save the others. Just as planned. Jericho tied them up and then Raven cast a spell over themselves to make themselves seem disheveled. She told BumbleBee and Mas to pretend to be passed out. She told the others to seem like they were seriously injured, "What about you?"

"They know I wouldn't be too weakened. I have healing abilities, so I would never be taken down by a simple guard." Raven answered.

"So what? You're calling the rest of us weak?" Speedy asked.

"No, that's going to be a surprise for them. Well, actually, I'm not sure if they know of your power, but whatever, it'll still be a surprise for them." Raven said as she started shifting around in her binds. "Get into position."

BumbleBee and Mas shut their eyes, peacefully. Menos, Speedy, Wildebeest, and Pantha weakly struggled, and Jericho lifted them all over his shoulder, struggling a bit. "Joey, drag Pantha and Wildebeest."

"What?" Pantha exclaimed. She did not want to be dragged against the ground like an animal.

"Don't worry, I'll put a shield underneath you. It'll be like sliding down a hill with a sled." Raven answered.

Jericho put them down and then placed Pantha and Wildebeest behind him as Raven put a shield underneath their skin that came in contact with the ground. Jericho grabbed both their arms, and then reached over to grab the others when suddenly there was a voice.

"Oi! What- Whoa, did you do this?" another guard asked as he came over to Jericho.

Jericho accidentally dropped everyone, but they played along struggling in their binds and groaning a bit while BumbleBee and Mas just laid there, acting faint.

"They were all too easy. Just a few hits from the guns and they were done." Jericho grinned, playing along with his role.

"Well, guess we should take them in. I got the two buff ones, you get the small ones." The guard said as he easily picked up Pantha and Wildebeest.

"Yeah, sure." Jericho said as he picked up the rest like they were nothing more than just sacks of potatoes.

Joey, you okay?

Yeah, I just need to pretend that I'm still a guard. But I think he's starting to resist. We need to hurry.

Alright. Let's go. Oh, and remember the words.

Jericho and the other guard started hurrying over to the entrance and then once the other guard had opened it with his card he ushered Jericho and the others in. He led the way to chambers and that's when Jericho had to stop himself from gasping loudly.

His comrades, the ones that had been captured, they were all are unmoving, and they seemed to be like life-sized dolls. All except Raven's teams. They were chained up on a wall, their arms above them.

"Raven! No!" Beast Boy shouted as he spotted Raven in the guard's arms. 

"Damn it." Jericho heard Robin say under his breath.

"Well, well. Looky, looky, here! These two guards managed to capture the remaining. Hmm, seems like little Joseph isn't here. He's the only one left." The Joker appeared out of nowhere, and Deathstroke was by his side, quiet and stoic as ever.

"Bring me Raven. I can see she is still struggling." Deathstroke said as he beckoned Jericho to bring Raven forward.

"No! Stop! Leave her alone!" Robin shouted furiously as he rattled the chains in an attempt to get free.

 Jericho dropped the others, earning a few groans, and only had the struggling Raven in his arms. He stepped towards his father slowly and when he was standing in front of the platform, he dropped Raven down roughly, Sorry, Rae.

Raven didn't respond, she was glaring at Deathstroke who was possibly grinning under his mask. 

Deathstroke 'tsk' at Raven as if he was scolding her for being a bad child, "Did you really think you could run, Raven? Run from your fears? Don't you realize that all hope is gone for a demon like yourself?"

Raven growled, her anger spiking at his words. "Yeah? Well, was there any hope for me at any time? I mean, you and Joker over there, together, no one can take you down," Raven raised a challenging eyebrow, "Does that mean you weak when you're alone?"

Everyone could see the anger on Deathstroke's expression, the way he squared his shoulders, and you could hear his teeth grinding together in anger. He made his way over to the kneeling Raven, and slammed her against the ground, his foot holding her head down. 

Jericho moved, but then stopped himself, Raven hadn't given the signal for the operation to start, he had to get through this and not step in now.

"Let Raven go!" Beast Boy shouted, growling ferociously as he strained against the chains.

"All I have to do is press down and you'll be dead. Is that what you want, Raven? Do you desire to die?" Deathstroke asked her as he added a little bit of pressure onto her head.

Raven groaned and then huffed, "I don't know. Maybe I do."

"What do you ever mean, kiddo?" Joker asked as he pranced over to them, a gun in his hand.

"Why does my life matter? I'm just a demon. I'm going to hurt everyone I love. Everyone I care about. And I'm too weak to save them. Just why does my life matter?" Raven yelled.

Deathstroke applied pressure, and the Joker bent down next to her, "I can help with that little dilemma." He pointed his gun at her head.


She didn't respond.

Raven? Come on, say it! 

She didn't mumble a word.

"Say nighty-night, Rachel..." Joker said.

"Raven!" Beast Boy and Robin yelled. Starfire appeared to be crying, and Cyborg was looking away, probably not wanting to see her die.

Raven shut her eyes, hoping that he wouldn't actually kill her. That was all she could do. 

Then he pulled the trigger.


I can't clearly remember when I last updated this. I haven't been on Wattpad for a couple of days, school started up again. And now I have P.E. Man, I hate running. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. This feels a bit short, but there's more chapters to come. With more action, so don't worry. Till next time, bros!


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