Chapter 19: Can't Back Down

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That's what the tiny red flag said in yellow comical letters said as Raven opened her eyes and stared at the Joker, who was grinning like a fool.

He stood and danced around saying, "I totally got you, didn't I Raven? You should've seen your face when I pulled that trigger. It was magnificent!" He was laughing now as he stood still and then pointed the gun at her again. "Can't say if the next ones real or not, though."

"Cake for days!" Raven shouted. This confused everyone, but not Jericho and the others. They instantly broke free from their binds and Jericho left the guard's body, but left him unconscious. Mas and Menos touched each other and ran circles around Joker while Kid did the same to Deathstroke. This caused all the other enemies to attack. But the Titans fought harder. 

Raven jumped up instantly, and saw Harley storming up to her, her mallet in hand. "You! You make Mista J angry. It's my duty to make those who do that pay!"  She screamed as she raised her mallet and brought it down upon Raven. 

Raven expertly dodged it, and ignored Harley's rambles, it was time to free the others.

She arrive to Robin first and focused her power on the inside of the lock. In, in, out, in, out, out, ou- She was suddenly hit with a boulder smacking her into a wall, and that could only mean one thing.


Raven saw her across from her. She was on a piece of rock and her eyes were glowing yellow. Her hair was flying around her because of all the force she was putting out. "I really don't want to hurt you, Raven. We-We could've been more than this! Just stop fighting!"

Raven glared at her. "Stop fighting? For what? So you can make me into a living puppet again? So you all can make my teammates into dolls? That's not an option."

"But Raven, I know that deep inside you, you feel something for me. I know you do! You can't lie to my face and say you don't!"

"I don't harbor any feelings for you. And if I do, it's nothing but hatred. Because that's all I feel for criminals." Raven said not batting an eye.

Terra stared at her, tears were starting to fall down her cheeks. "Why? Why won't you just love me back!" She shouted, her eyes turning yellow once again, as she started to throw pieces of the Earth everywhere and anywhere. She was out of control. She obviously couldn't handle love. If that's what she truly felt for Raven.

Raven dodged and ducked, shielded others from getting hit, and tried to attack back. Finally she teleported right in front of Terra and tackled her down. She landed on top and Terra couldn't help but to stare at Raven who was straddling her. She felt some joy, even though she knew that Raven didn't feel anything for her, she was still touching her.

"Sleep." Raven whispered quietly, sending a black spiral of magic to Terra's ear. Terra's expression grew exhausted, her eyes were drooping and her breaths were getting even. She breathed out heavily and then she was out.

Raven got off of her and flew back up to her team. "Are you guys okay?"

"Friend, you have come back for us!" Starfire cheered with excitement.

Raven smiled gently and then went back to freeing her friends. She concentrated on Robin's once again. She finished the cuffs locked around his feet and started on the ones around his wrists.

"Raven! Watch out!" She heard Speedy shout as she was just about to finish.

Raven snapped out of her concentration and looked around, nothing was wrong. She looked back at Speedy, who was shooting arrows at each enemy that came his way. She sighed and continued with unlocking Robin's chains. But that's when she was hit. An electrifying shot of energy hit her abdomen, and Raven's eyes shot wide open. Blood came flying out of her mouth as she fell to her knees. 

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