Chapter 6

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Picture is brought to you by MegS-ILS, DeviantArt artists, great one too.

Robin was the first to wake up. He couldn't even believe any of them were able to sleep after Raven's horror movie.

"Morning." Raven said from the kitchen. She was fixing herself a cup of chamomile tea.

"Oh, you're awake."

"I'm an early riser." She simply responded.

"I'm really glad you decided to be part of the team." Robin smiled as he settled into a seat.

"Well, you get bored after a while here on Earth. And anyway, it's"

"Right. So do you have any questions about how we do things around here?"

"Maybe. I just want to know your rules."

"Well, no killing, just justice. That's all to me. Others may have other rules, but to me that rule is the golden rule."

Raven nodded her consent and then turned to lean against the counter and face Robin. "Why are you not sharing your feeling with Starfire?"

"Wh-What?" He asked nervously.

"Sorry, it's just the empath in me. I can sense your love for her. You should tell her before it's too late." Raven suggested.

"Thanks, Raven. For the advice. I need to go take a shower now."


Then Robin left. Leaving Raven alone. She went over to the window and levitated with her legs crossed. She closed her eyes and said her mantra, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos..."

Beast Boy woke up to the sound of someone repeating a phrase, 'Azarath Metrion Zinthos.' He looked over to the window and saw Raven meditating. He stared at her as she said her mantra and had the calmest face ever.

Then she stopped, "Good morning, Beast Boy."

Beast Boy looked at her surprised. "B-But you didn't even turn around."

"I don't need to. I can sense you and your signature."

"Right. Of course you can, Rae."

"Whatever," she paused before adding, "Gar."

Beast Boy felt delighted that she had called him that. He wasn't really expecting her to call him that.

He got up and stood next to her levitating form. "So how does this work?"

"I find my enter peace. Which you are currently interrupting."

"Oh, sorry, I'll leave you."

"No, it's fine. I've been here for over a hour. I should be fine now."

"Well, then. Breakfast?"


Suddenly a blaring alarm sounded, and red lights started to flash. Raven fell from her levitating form. Beast Boy quickly helped her up as Starfire and Cyborg woke up. Robin came from the hallway and instantly was on the computer with Cyborg trying to find the location and who was causing the disturbance.

"It's the H.I.V.E. They're robbing the bank downtown." Robin said.

"Great." Cyborg said sarcastically.

"C'mon, Titans." Robin ordered and soon they were all out of the Tower and heading towards the crime scene in their own way. Starfire and Raven were flying. Beast Boy had turned into a bird and flew next to Raven. Robin and Cyborg both got in the T-Car and drove.

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